
Is going back to college after a long time a good way to refocus your life?

by Guest61480  |  earlier

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It is something I have always wanted to do. Perhaps at 51, all kids grown and hubby employed as a trucker... it is time for me to do this? Is this my new adventure????




  1. Absolutely.  You'll love it.  There's all kinds of test on line you can take to see what you're really good at or where your interest lie.  I loved college with kids my children's age. You'll be amazed with how much younger you'll feel to get out there in a new world of education. 51 is young, you have time to be and do anything you want.  Go for it.

    How to find out is it your dream?  Let me recommend a great book for you to read.  "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkerson.

    It's a quick read, but so awesome and so inspiring.  You'll know exactly what you want to do, after you read it.  I believe this for you.

    Blessing to you.....follow your dream<><):

  2. An excellent way. Just make sure you pick a course of study that interests you. Instead of college have you considered a trade school? I went to massage school, and even if I never make a penny in that field, it has greatly improved the quality of my life. I am 50 yrs myself, and what I learned about the body has taken 10 years off my life. Feel free to email me if you have specific questions.

  3. If you have extra cash to pay for school.  Absolutely!

    The meaning of life is to learn and advance to infinity.

  4. Yes. Go for it!  I was much more focused when I went back to school.  You have some computer skills. It should be great.

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