
Is going on your senior trip with Grad Week worth it?

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Grad Week says that they take seinors to cancun every year. Has any one been? Did you have fun? I will be 17, so can i still go into the bars, and clubs that my 18 year old friends will be going to?




  1. there is no drinking age in cancun. i went this year...amazing. you can walk in a store, buy a fifth of grey goose and walk out and they dont care. cancun is pretty much based of tips. as long as you tip them, they treat you like royalty. Like one time i went to a club there called "the City', btw amazing you should go there, and we bought a booth out and came with a security guard. the more we tipped him, the more girls he would bring to our booth, and he would escort us everywhere we wanted to go. Have Fun. I Envy u

  2. Yes you can go they dont care there...but i recommend going i wasnt able to go to mine but all my friends had a good time and i really regret that i couldnt....just go and be safe

  3. I am sure it is fun if you like drinking in excess and all that stuff.No responsible parent would allow their senior to go without an adult escort.Remember what happened to Natalie .It is a fun place but for god's sakes why do all you kids feel the need to get drunk? I wish you could enjoy life  without liquor and drugs.Be careful and never go anywhere alone.It may be worth it so if you go have fun.

  4. The legal drinking age is 18 in Mexico.

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