
Is going to the teacher at the beginning of class okay?

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So my name is kinda hard to say and its not even suppose to be what it says on the row list and its really imberassing when the teacher gets it wrong and i just simply do not like it. Moreover, would it be okay if i went and talked to my teacher at the beginning of class and tell her to use my actual first name instead so its easier on both of us?




  1. well...yeah that would make sense.

    it's fine.

  2. I think if you are that embarressed about it , it would be okay to go before class starts and just say "Hey I'm whatever the roster says for this we will say Faloolah... "Hey my name is Faloolah Johnson on your roster but since that name is so hard to say I go by Sarah, if when you call the role you would call me Sarah I would appreciate it very much." Just don't drag in right as the bell rings and try to tell her try to get there asap.Also don't care so much what people think I'm sure your a great person and it wouldn't matter if your name was buger people would like!

  3. nothing wrong with that.

  4. Of course! She probably doesn't want to embarrass herself either by not knowing how to pronounce a name.

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