
Is going vegan actually healthier?

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Is going vegan actually healthier?




  1. Being Vegan is verry Heathy but you have to take A LOT of suplements for all your missed animal Products

  2. It can be.

    There is no magical menu plan.

    There are vegans all over the world and they all eat and live differently.  You can still live on potato chips, doughnuts, coffee, pop, candy, .... and be a vegan, but likely not a very healthy one.

    Same goes for meat eaters.  Eating animal products will not automatically make you unhealthy, but it will contribute.  If you eat a lot of vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fruits, etc. too, then you probably will not notice the ill effects of eating animal products.

  3. Your asking the wrong people...

    We were made to eat meat, vegetable and fruits.

  4. Yes, provide that you eat as much as you can with all type of variety of foods, and eat foods fortified with vitamin B-12 or B12 supplements.

  5. Yes its incredibly healthy if your smart and know what your doing. Sandra said the only digestable b12 is in animal products, not true.  B12 is in legumes, leafy green vegetables, and our own intestinal flora... It takes a properly working, clean digestive system to absorb b12, which most meat eaters don't have. Most if not all the b12 is killed when you cook the meat or drink pasteurized milk. So unless you eat/drink it raw, even meat eaters are getting very little if none at all.

  6. Yes

  7. It's debateable. In general humans are omnivorous (they need plants to survive, but there are no digestible sources of B12 that are not animal sources such as eggs, fish, etc; while one can certainly survive without it, just that we can have withdrawal of it indicates that humans were, by nature, omnivorous). However, according to many studies, people are getting too much protein. There are more ways to solve the problem than going vegan, such as eating meat less or cutting it out and eating eggs.

    I would say that in today's world, being vegan is healthier because you are often more in tune with your diet, but you could reap the same benefits from watching your meat intake and avoiding the many foods that are bad for you and are, due to their ingredients, disallowed to vegans, such as most processed foods, many of which contain gelatin or trace, hidden animal products.

  8. Yes if you balance it perfectly. Calcium fortified soy milk,raw almonds,beans,and veggie meats need to be eaten to get enough protein. Spirulina is a good source of b12, B, and protein and it comes in tablets from health food stores.

  9. Being vegan is healthier IF you eat right. You shouldn't eat just junk food because it's "vegan".

    Note- a lot of supplements (omega-3) come from dairy or animal products.

    You can get EVERYTHING from natural foods, if you know what to eat/look for.

  10. if u get enough protein and take a lot of vitamins it can be healthier for you.

  11. It undoubtedly is healthier providing you do it right but a lot of people do it wrong.

    To be a successful and healthy vegan you need to be aware of the traps of a vegan diet that you can find in a web search for vegan + "health hazards".  You need to know about incomplete protein, complete protein and protein complementing and that is only the tip of the iceberg.

  12. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!! Vegans don't have bad cholesteral. They don't have flim. They don't get sick hardly ever. It makes you in WAY better shape. You have much much much less risk of getting cancer or other diseases. You feel better. And you save animals.

    Milk actually takes away more nutrients then it gives. It also causes many diseases. Eggs have salmenilla. Meat is fatty, greasy, and bad for you.

    You can get protien and calcium from beans, soy, peas, lettus, almonds, and more.

    I personally feel better an healthier since I did. I haven't gotton sick since. Afte a little while of not eating meat, it doesn't even sound good anymore. No thanks i'll pass on it. Take my advise, GO VEGAN!!!!!

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