
Is golf becoming a little bit boring? Shouldn't the crowd be aloud to heckle/cheer/sing like at football?

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Is golf becoming a little bit boring? Shouldn't the crowd be aloud to heckle/cheer/sing like at football?




  1. No.

  2. who ate all the caviar

  3. In some Pro-Ams the crowd have to be totally silent, however, at some majors the crowd can hoot and holler all the time if need be and if the player accepts it!

    Good question. I always have my doubts about golf as well.

  4. If you've ever played golf in a match or tournament before and taken it seriously, loud noises can get VERY annoying or distracting- unlike football where crowd noise is a must.

  5. I understand your point. However it "WAS", a game played by Gentlemen.Today, not sure.

    Most people who attempt to play the game never research the game. They never really know whats going on. Only a pipe dream in their heads.

    A holes get Heckled, Cheers very loud, Singing=yes it's there to. Watch the OPEN, and the RYDER Cup, you will hear it.

  6. golf is very interesting. if u dont like watching then mayb u should try and play. its really fun. also go to like and watch suden deaths. there  really suspensefull.

  7. Yer i can see it now

    A drunk Tiger woods supporter shouting "d**k c**k **** face" at Ernie Els and chucking a beer can at him while he's trying to put on the 8th green.

    Good idea...I like it

    What songs would they chant?

    "We lovvee goolf

    its so fun

    golf golf golf

    Driver, Iron, Putter

    Which one will he chose!!! Lalalala"

    That's not the best song but i cba to write anything good

  8. golf is boring enough already without the fun chaos! i mean, they dont fight or run. they take turns hitting a tiny white ball with a stick. wouldnt you rather run around throwing a football. i mean, doesnt golf sound dull?

  9. Golf may be boring to someone who knows less than nothing about the game.  It is a very difficult game with a lot of very delicate shots.  Controlling the flight of a ball and calculating the proper club for the distance is a thinking man's game.

    Putting is a science, correctly reading the proper line and speed of the green (which way does the grass lie, is it down hill and judge the proper striking of the ball.

    I have played basketball, baseball, football, and soccer, most of the activity is reaction and reflex.  All are difficult sports but golf has a unique difficulty to it.  No crowd noise, it is a gentleman's game.

  10. Your playing with the wrong crowd. I get nervous when it gets silent. I am an old football, basketball and baseball player that thrives with smack talking, love it, bring it on.... only makes me focus more.

  11. That would be more exciting, but the sight of Tiger Woods 9 iron wrapped around some hecklers head might not be good for prime time tv.

  12. It is hard to make golf like football for the crowd.

    Football only needs a stadium with a 100 foot field in the middle. Golf is over 3 miles.

    Footy crowd is 50 feet from the guy with the ball who's running. In golf the guy is standing there just 10 feet away.

    Connect with the ball half an inch off, and in football, you don't notice. in golf, that would knock birds out of the trees.

    But just like footy is getting Super 7, and cricket has 20/20, there are plans to get some super golf rules in place. That should help

  13. You haven't watched professional golf in America before.

  14. Golf is a game played by gentle people who need quietness to enable them to carry out the most precise shots and raucous behaviour might well result in the offending person being wapped around the neck with a heavy wedge. Who says golf is boring and watching the Open this week will prove how exciting the game can be.

  15. No,golf is a serene sport,total concentration is the name of the game

  16. No one is asking for houligans to attend golf matches.If you wish to heckle, cheer, razz or throw beer bottles, you are not supporting the right sport. You should be at pro wrestling, English soccer or scruff rugby. do us a favor ? Skip golf!!

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