
Is goodnites or pull ups better for a 12 year old my daughter needs some

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Is goodnites or pull ups better for a 12 year old my daughter needs some




  1. Guest59659

     Our daughter is 12 also and we use cloth pin on diapers and plastic pants on her at night for her bedwetting.they work great and are reusable,thus saving us money.

  2. Guest21258

    my daughter is 12 and wears goodnites with plastic pants over it at night,as she is a heavy sleeper.for holidays and special occassions,its a pull up with the plastic pants over it.she wore the pull up and plastic pants under her easter dress last month.

  3. your best bet is to buy her goodnites and in the mean time make an appointment to  talk it over with her doctor  and then h/she will run some test's to rule out a urinairy tract infection.

    i have herd of childeren to bed wet until they are into there late teens and early 20's it's not that uncommon . I  didn't stop until i was in my late teens

    Hope this helps

  4. Good nights are better.  But now pampers has come out with their brand.  They are thinner and feel more like underwear.  But if you have not done so, please get her checked out by her pediatrician.  Something could be majorly medically wrong.  

  5. goodnites

  6. your daughter need to go to the doctoe. she is too old to be wetting the bed

  7. 12 years and still wetting?!

    She needs to see a doctor about that, that is not normal.

  8. i have found that goodnites work better for older children.  Pull ups have those tear away sides and seem to come undone with older kids because of bigger hips bones.    My son now has had to graduate to Depends because of his size and weight. Goodnites worked for my son well.   Hope they will work for your daughter!!

  9. maxi pads work well i suppose

  10. i doubt she will fit into a pull up. i would try the good nights but check the weight you may need to get adult diapers in the smallest size.

  11. goodnights you can get them in boxers so that way they dont look like she is waring them

  12. Neither. Get "Underjams". Their basic underwear but it's similar to a "diaper" but doesnt have that puffy feeling.

    Here's a link:

    Also, why would someone who is almost a teenager still be wetting the bed?

  13. Are you serious? I think going to a doctor to get that checked out would be better...assess the problem. There has to be one if a 12 year old can't hold it.

  14. You're not going to find pull-ups that fit a normal sized 12 year old, Goodnites yes.  There is of course adult diapers as well, but that might be too shameful.

    You know, I had a best friend in 6th grade who slept so hard that she wet the bed every night.  I have a good friend who at almost 30 almost still wets the bed at night as she sleeps so soundly.  Anyway, my 12 year old friend was given a bed sheet by her grandmother that sounded an alarm when she wet the bed to wake her up and she was able to learn to wake herself up in this way and go use the restroom at night.  It was a personal triumph for her, and I was thrilled that she was able to do that.

  15. Pull Up's would be too small for her. Goodnites, Depends, or those new UnderJams would work. It seems like the bed wetting alarm would be an even better idea.

  16. isnt 12 a lil old to be wetting the bed?

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