
Is grant money for school in a check form?

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I think my cousin is trying to con my G-ma out of some money. She has been borrowing $$$ from her and is saying that in a few days her "grant" money from school will be comming and she will pay her back. Is that how it works??? Is it a check that you can cash? surely it is some kind of security thing where it can ONLY be used for school or everyone would be doing it for the cash!




  1. The money is sent directly to the school.  Then, after tuition, books, fees, dorm costs, are taken out... if there is any money left over, they send you the excess.  Some folks opt to go to inexpensive community colleges so they get more money given to them for living expenses, gas, food, etc.  

    Others go to expensive schools that grants don't cover all the cost of and they take out student loans,  in that case, the money is again sent directly to the school and applied as before and if there is money left over the student gets it to do with as they choose.  Yes it is usually a check, but some schools are direct depositing it into folks accounts.

    Usually there is not a huge amount left over after all the schools charges are applied.  When dealing with your cousin, just keep in mind sometimes folks who apply late don't get their money until the semester is a few weeks from ending.... not realizing how long it takes to process stuff like that.... they'll borrow money from relatives and say, Oh, yea, I applied for fin aid yesterday... not realizing it may be 12 weeks before (and IF) they get financial aid!!!!

  2. I dont know how it works for all schools but with mine, my grant goes into a account at the school, I can only use it to pay for classes books and supplies from the school.  Once the semester is over, I do get a check for whatever grant money is left over.  So if she used all of the grant money then she wont get a check.  They give you whats left for living costs and costs to get to and from school.  She has to keep her gpa up and be in school full time to get a grant.

  3. Yes your cousin is surely getting your grandmother. Because grant money is not usually given to the recipient but sent directly to the school or university he/she attend. This isn't always the case but if it is a government grant it your cousin does not get any check that he/she can cash it goes directly to the institution.

  4. first of all you have to find out how the school your cousining is going to handles financial aid. my school does just like found-1 explained. first financial aid pays all my classes, fees, etc and if anythings left i get a check in the mail, if anything is left over. what you can do is call the financial aid office of your cousin's school and ask how they deal with grant money that is left over once expenses have been paid. you can ask it as a general question but not specifically to a person you know because they will not provide you with an answer. just be general and ask if you wanted to go to school there and wanted to know what happens. don't say your a student b/c then they'll ask you for your school id # and other personal info to look up records. just be general. also try the college website and search for the financial aid link for FAQ.

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