
Is graphic design the right choice

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iwanted to set up a graphic design business in the future because i want a career in art and it seems realy well-paid. The problem is I dnt like the idea of designing logos etc because i think i would find it boring i would rather draw and paint and create big bright things( if that makes sense) graphic design wouldnt be creative enough but im afraid of goin for fashion/interior incase the money isnt gd enuf or ther isnt enuf work for me at the start... I dont wana just paint for a living because i dont think there is enough money in it il probably only do that in university for xtra cash..any ideas?




  1. There are many, many people offering graphic design services who really love design (logos and all) and are very good at it, so there's no point in competing with them if you're starting off with doubts.

    Graphic design is quite a broad area though, encompassing many specialties. You could find something like textile design suits your wish to create big bright things. Or perhaps you could look into interior design, or party planning for the opportunity to strew big, bright balloons and centerpieces around. Or maybe you could be a florist!

    It's a big world out there, take a good look at your strengths and limitations and don't worry about forcing yourself into an overcrowded field.  

  2. well nice to see you expressing things in detail.

    I would say graphic designing is more a COMMERCIAL activity than an inner satisfaction.

    In graphic designing you only design what it SELLS, and here I am feeling you want love liberty more stayle more jeast. You must go for PHOTOGRAPHY. It will surely satisfy your creative instinct.

  3. Graphic design is hardly boring. Look around you - there is much more to be designed than logos. However, it is a commercially-based field and involves many technical, psychological and scientific practices in addition to requiring superior creativity. It's challenging, demanding, and can be stressful. It's an industry, like any other - and that's why there's money in it. But if you've already decided it will bore you, don't waste your time because you won't succeed. Seriously.

    It doesn't sound like graphic design is where your heart is. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like fashion or interior design is right for you either. The only way you are going to spend your days drawing and painting and creating big bright things is to be a fine artist. And I'm sure you realize, a very small fraction of fine artists are able to make a living at it. Most have a day job, or a night job, or do something they consider boring in order to pay the rent.

    Do a little soul searching, find out what it is you really want the most from life. Then do your homework before you take any leaps - especially the leap into business ownership. You can achieve both passion and paycheck - but know up front you're in for some hard work.

  4. graphic design isnt just designing logos. graphics is about anything you want it to be.

    go to a art college open can find out on the internet or by calling your local college or university and ask about it.

    that way youll be sure of what you want and youll have an indepth understanding of what each area of art entails.

    hope this helps

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