
Is green tea good for you or harmful?

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I have had afew people tell me that it good for you...especially me being a person whos doesnt have regular healthy bowel movements I've heard it regulates this true? Is there any harm in drinking it? What else is good about it? thanks..




  1. No, it's wonderful! I wish I could stand to drink it because it's full of antioxidants and is supposed to promote weight loss. I'm not sure about it helping bowel movements but I wouldn't be surprised.

  2. It's good, though it has flouride in it a bit. Accumulation of flouride is NOT GOOD.

  3. Green tea has a lot of good things about it that will help you be healthy.  The average Japanese drinks about 20 cups of green tea per day.  It is loaded with antioxidants and that is a good thing.  It also has some caffeine in it, so that is not so good.

    The best way to get green tea is to go to:  (800) 370 - 3447 and order the green tea extract.  This tea has been fully reduced and predigested by nano bacteria.  This is the normal process the body puts the green tea through before you can digest it.  So when you mix this liquid, fully reduced form in some water, your body is ready to digest it immediately.  The good thing about this tea extract is that one teaspoon of it is equal to 20 cups of green tea and the bacteria ate the caffeine, so now you get about 105 mg. of antioxidants and no caffeine.  

    Green tea greatly helps your body avoid the problems of radiation.  Many of the Japanese people that went through the atom bomb in Japan that drank lots of green tea were spared many of the problems associated with radiation poisoning.

    In regard to your bowel regulation, that is another issue.  I wouldn't look to green tea to solve that problem.  Typical teas that contain caffeine actually dehydrate you and since the G.I. track holds it's water in because of the adrenal glands working correctly, you may have an issue with your adrenals, especially if you drink a lot of tea, coffee, sodas, energy drinks, alcohol, etc.  

    You need to make sure you are properly hydrated to start.  Most people do not understand what this really means because they listen to the media for their health advice and those so called "food experts" are nothing more than "hired guns" of the food industry selling products that are most of the time not good for the body, like vegetable oils, low nutrient dense carbs, low fat, no salt, no red meat diets.  It's no wonder Americans are 53% chronically ill and getting sicker by the day.

    To fix your bowel movements, you will need to improve your digestion and get rid of the old debris that is lodged in your intestines.  Most people carry about 10 - 15 pounds of old debris around and this contributes to making them not healthy.  It's very easy to get rid of this and not painful and not much changes, except you feel better and eliminate better.

    What to do to help you?  O.K., here is some free advice:

    Go to:  (800) 370 - 3447 and order the following and take them as I suggest.  These products are specially formulated as complexes and there are no single element junk and they are all from once living sources, so their cell resonance is like your body's and you will actually benefit greatly from this:

    Betaine HCL --- Take 3 AFTER each meal (4 if you are over 150 pounds)

    HCL Activator --- Take 1 AFTER each meal (2 if you are taking 4 Betaine)

    Digest --- Take 1 of these DURING the meal (2 if you eat meat with your meal)

    Colon Cleanse --- Take 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening.

    Probiotic --- Take one in the morning and one in the evening.

    It will take a couple days and you will be amazed at how regular you become and the side benefits of this is that you will lose about 10 - 15 pounds in a month or so and then you will slowly lose the weight around your stomach, thighs, and hips.  You need to take the colon cleanse for about 4 months on that schedule.  The other products should be taken the rest of your life.  The other side benefit of doing this is that you will NOT get acid reflux, acid in digestion, and you will add about 30 - 35 years to your life expectancy because you will now start digesting your food as nature intended and still be able to eat cooked foods, etc.

    Also, one more suggestion.  Go to your local health food store and buy a bottle of Kombucha.  This is Chinese tea, that has been fermented and it has gone through the same basic process as the green tea I mentioned above.  It is very refreshing and takes the place of sodas, especially on a hot day when you take it out of the refrigerator.  It actually satisfies you, not like cokes that make you more thirsty.

    good luck

  4. Green tea is very healthy but if you drink to much in can be harmful

  5. its good for you

  6. It is very good for you!!  But it is just like anything else...too much of a good thing can potentially be bad for you.  Basically don't be drinking gallons of it a day.

  7. Any tea or coffee is excellent for antioxidants (fights cancer)...

  8. it is good for your health and it also (along with raw fruitd and veggies) kills the protein coating around cancer cells so that the immune system can kill it and thus cabn help cancer patients.

    Raw produce and fresh raw juices do the same thing.

    Many of the health benefits though come from home brewed tea made from stepping tea bag and not from bottled green teas like arizona (but far superior to soda pop) and the green tea in the dairy case generally is not healthy at all as it often has high fructose corn syrup added which is not good for you, so brewed some maybe make some sun tea from green tea bags and then use hot or iced.

    Cheap green tea bags can often be found at Asian markets much cheaper than at grocery stores.

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