
Is green tea really as good for you as people say it is?

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I drink it nearly every morning because it boosts my energy with the caffine and all that,




  1. Tea (to borrow a catchphrase) does a body good. While some marketers tend to place undue emphasis on just how much good tea can do us, there's compelling evidence nonetheless to show that it can benefit our health on a number of fronts. Here are some of the potential benefits we've examined thus far at the Twinings Tea Blog.

       1. Heart Health

          Have a healthy heart. It's a goal all of us should pursue and if a number of studies on the matter are any indication, tea might help.

       2. Weight Loss

          There are several studies that indicate that tea may play a role in weight loss.  

       3. Diabetes

          Research has indicated that green, black and oolong tea may all help protect against diabetes.

       4. Alzheimer's

          Evidence this far shows promise for tea and tea extracts in the battle against Alzheimer's.

       5. Lung Cancer

          The health problems posed by tobacco smoking are surely no secret to anyone these days. What probably isn't so well known is that tea may help guard against lung cancer.

       6. Cholesterol

          There are no shortage of claims for the many potential health benefits drinking tea can provide, including the possibility that it may lower your cholesterol level.

       7. Osteoporosis

          For tea drinkers, there may be benefits related to osteoporosis, according to a number of research studies.

       8. Parkinson's Disease

          For Parkinson's sufferers, the possibility that tea may help fight the disease can only come as welcome news.

       9. Prostate Cancer

          It's probably fair to conclude that drinking a couple cups of tea a day is not a bad way to help guard against prostate cancer.

      10. Stress

          Tea might possess qualities that help reduce stress and aid in relaxation.

  2. Yes, it's high in antioxidents.

  3. Here are some of the benefits of green tea.

    1.  Protects against Death from All Causes, Especially Cardiovascular Disease.

    2.  Protects against Coronary Artery Disease

    3.  Inhibits Atherosclerosis

    4.  Special Benefits for Persons with High Triglycerides

    5.  Thins the Blood and Helps Prevent Blood Clots

    6.  Protects the Heart in Patients with Acute Cardiovascular Disease

    7.  Minimizes Damage and Speeds Recovery after a Heart Attack

    8.  Minimizes Damage to the Brain after a Stroke

    9.  Lowers Blood Pressure and Helps Prevent Hypertension

    10.  Helps Prevent the Development of Atherosclerosis and Cancer

    11.  Protects against Cancer

    12.  Green tea polyphenols halt prostate cancer at multiple levels

    13.  Green tea consumption has been shown to enhance survival in women with ovarian cancer

    14.  Breast Cancer

    15.  Brain Tumors in Children

    16.  Colorectal Cancer

    17.  Lung Cancer

    18.  Bladder Cancer

    19.  Improves the Efficacy of Cancer Drugs While Lessening Their Negative Side-Effects

    20.  Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes

    21.  Protects against Kidney Disease

    22.  Builds Bone

    23.  Prevents Osteoporosis and Periodontal diseases

    24.  Protects the Liver from Alcohol and Other Harmful Chemicals

    25.  Promotes Fat Loss

    26.  Increases Exercise Endurance

    27.  Protects against Cognitive Decline, Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease

    28.  Green Tea Fights the Flu

    If you want more information on how green tea does all these things than go to the link I provided.

    I hope this helps :)

  4. it boosts your metabolism as well as giving you energy... im drinking it rite now!

  5. The health benefits of green tea are pretty well documented, and are a result of the high antioxidant content of green tea.

    The antioxidants are beneficial substances that help the immune system protect the cells in the body from decay and damage. This may in turn protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and even physical aging.

    One very suggestive phenomenon is the so-called "Asian paradox", which is the observation that a great percentage of the population in Asia smoke a lot, but still develop fewer instances of many cancers and heart diseases than in the western world.

    This is because of the protection the green tea gives them - Asians drink a lot of green tea, making green tea the second most popular drink in the world after water.

    Most studies use participants that drink more than one cup of green tea a day, typically four or more to reap the best benefits.

    If you want to make the most of one or two cups of tea a day, one solution could be to drink white tea instead. White tea contains three times as much antioxidants as green tea, and it is the healthiest tea there is.

  6. yes get the kind with anti oxidents lipton makes it

  7. I think it is better than the other caffeine s.

    Like coffee or black tea perhaps.

  8. yes, its great if your trying to lose weight. And it really cleanses your body.

  9. is good for you. a whole lot better than a lot of other stuff.

  10. yes,it's very good for you.keep drinking it!

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