
Is greengo an offensive expression?

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I was in Mexico and people called me greengo all the time.







  2. Its slang for white americans.  But now just about anyone who isn't mexican is called a gringo.  Not offensive at all.

  3. Actually it's Gringo, not greengo.  It absolutely is a racist word.  Just like wet-back or ni@@er or g@@k!

  4. In mexico "gringo" simply means white person,if anybody in mexico wanted to insult you they would have called you "gavacho" not "gringo".

  5. Yes its a racist expression the equivalent to the racist expression "latino" used by gringos to call Latin Americans......

    It's a way to counter that

  6. Hola, I am Mexican and I am so sorry to tell you that most of you are wrong. The word GREENGO was first used in an intervention by the US to Mexican soil and people used to say to solders, which were dressed in green, GREEN-GO! Now at days the word is still in use when referring to a person from the US. It definitely does not have an aggressive connotation.

  7. It means Caucasian or White, but I dont thinks its racist.

  8. Dear Jeff:

    I'm mexican, "gringo" is NOT a word used to offend people; we, in México use it to call the people from the United States of America, no matter if you are withe, black or hispanic. We use that word because we find ridiculous call you "americano" (as you call yourselves) since we all in this continent are americans, from Canadá to Argentina.

    We could call you "estadounidense", but this is a word too long. We can't call you "northamerican" (or "norteamericano") because Canadians and Mexicans (at least from tehuantepec istmo to the north) are northamericans too.

    So, in summary, in México the word gringo is NOT offensive.

    If anyone call you "pinche" gringo, the offensive is "pinche", not "gringo".

  9. pfff don't sweat it its just the ignorants calling you that. Just remember that you'll  be smarter then them in the long run by just ignoring that comment. Just walk away......

  10. In Mexico depending on the context it's just a way mexicans will refer to an American not really focusing on the color of your skin, just your nationality (though I bet if a mexican called a white Canadian gringo and the person knew the meaning of gringo as a term for Americans they'd get their faces whoopped on their stupidity haha).

    People call me gringa a lot (usually classmates my own age) and I don't find it to be offensive. It does put some Mexican-Americans like me out of whack because no matter how many years I live in Mexico (heck, I've probably lived here more than in the USA), how well I know the language and culture, the term still sticks like I'm mexican but I'll never be fully one.

    One of the soccer players of the national mexican team is a mexican-american by birth and has lived most of his life in Mexico nd he's not even white but everyone calls him the "gringo".

    As for the term gringo coming from the mexican-american war. Sorry to tell everyone the uniform of the American army was blue, not green. The urban legend still persists since there is no wel known origin of the term and it sounds spiffy.

  11. As you can see from the answers above me, to some Americans it is and to some it is not.  It all depends on what tone of voice is used.  Also, in some places, they did use the term "green-go".

    It can and can't be.  The best best is to read the link below and it will explain in full detail in regards to where the word gringo is offensive and where it's not.

    Here is just one excerpt from

    The Anglosphere: Hispanic migrants to the USA occasionally use the term as a more derogatory synonym of Anglo.[citation needed]

    Mexico, Central America, the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, South America: In these areas the word may mean specifically a citizen of the United States.

    Merriam-Websters gives a good definition, however; it doesn't quite go into detail like

    In the context of Mexican cuisine, a gringa is a flour tortilla taco of spiced pork (carne al pastor) with cheese.  Heck, Mexico even has a newspaper called the Gringo Gazette.

    Keep this in mind, in different cultures, it has different meanings.  It is not a word that's all inclusive to Mexico.  Many other countries use the term also.

    To sum it up, in Mexico and many other countries in the world, it isn't perjorative.  In certain parts of Latin America, it is.  

    Your best bet is to read the entire wikipedia definition.  It gives a great, in detail, definition.

  12. Yes, it is offensive, call a mexican greengo and he will swat you in the face. It's similar to the American expression wet-back.

  13. The word is gringo, not greengo although it sounds about the same. Gringo is a term that Mexicans use to denote an American. Whether it is offensive or not actually depends on the context in which the user employs the term. You can usually tell by the tone of voice or the situation. Mexicans use many words that Americans, who have been trained to be neurotic about something called political correctness, would find offensive. Here it is normal to call a black person darky, a white person whitey, a overweight person fatty, an east Asian Chinese ( whether he is Chinese or not), and so on.

    In other Spanish speaking countries the word gringo denotes any foreigner. The term goes back to Spain, probably late 16th century. It seems to be a corruption of "griego" meaning greek and was used for foreigners who spoke Spanish with a strange accent; especially the Irish.

    When my wife calls me gringo I call her ****. It makes life more fun.

    Hey! I that word came out all asterisks! Those crazy Americans and their political correctness. I call my wife s*p*i*c* LOL

  14. Yes it is an offensive remark.   But then most Mexicans that are American citizens don't call white people gringo's, usually its the illegals.  Are Hispanics are more educated than the 3rd worlders invading our country.  I guess we have to put up with it since most Americans don't have the back bone to vote for border control.


    Say YELLOW  back to them and see what they do.  LOL

  15. it means your A friend

  16. Not usually, but some people might use it pejoratively. Mainly just a word for an American.  Americans living or traveling  in Mexico often refer to themselves as gringos.

  17. No it is not it means American white person,If they want 2 be racist,they will call you G a b a c h o wich is racist & insulting to white people,even though there are White Mexicans.

  18. And they called you Wahdo - english pronounciation), jefe also.

    Wahdo - carrot head

    jefe - boss

    You have to know Spanish to stop it.

    Common people on the border communities say it all the time.  Educated people don't.

    They call each other worse.

    No big deal.


  19. not really offensive, but at the same time not a compliment. dont sweat it

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