
Is growing up, all it is cracked up to be?

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I mean as long as you don't hurt others and take responsibility for your actions, why "Grow up"?




  1. Growing up is all that is cracked up to be, you need to be prepared though because when growing up there are alot of curve balls coming your way. Best advice finish school and proceed to college. Get a job and build a bank account to ensure that you have money for any curve balls coming your way.

  2. i may get older, but i`ll never grow up

  3. You may leave your parent's nest. But you will have somebody

    over your head. Legally. <}:-})

  4. There is a difference between acting young and acting childish.  Be the best you can in your job, pay your bills, live within your means, and treat everyone with equal courtesy.  

    Never lose your sense of fun.

  5. No, it really isn't...

  6. It all depends. Sometimes there is no excuse for immaturity especially when it comes to...

    1. Doing your job, getting through school

    2. Raising  kids

    3. Your marriage and your relationship to others.

    Because this does hurt others and your responsibility for your actions starts long before you "have to take responsibility" for them.

  7. Many of my most profound insights happen when I'm acting like a big kid!

  8. Age is just another number, and I used to believe I didn't want to grow up either.  I am 32 now and the best part of my life is my 2 little children!!  So when the time is right you will know when things need to change.  Enjoy being a kid for as long as possible I didn't start parenthood till I was 30.  I love my children and wife dearlly now though and enjoy watching my kids grow!  Make sure you are really ready before making life altering changes though.

  9. I shouldnt woory too much.I dont think it will happen to you.

  10. I hated to grow up when I was 15 and 16 all I kept saying was how I wanted to grow up I just turned 24 and wish I was still 16 I hated growing up

  11. Well now... When I was a little kid I couldn't wait to be a teenager. When I became a teen I couldn't wait until I wasn't one anymore. Now that I have a few years beyond teenage, I kinda wish I was a little kid again, but only if I could retain what I know about life now.

    Growing up, as with all things, has it's pros and cons.

  12. I'm with you, it's more fun to be a big kid at heart!

    You're only as old as you feel!

  13. YES! You want to be Peter Pan?  Go to another world to succeed in your wishes.

  14. as long as you don't get caught...  nah...

    I think it is more about doing what you have to to stay happy.

    growing up doens't have to be boring or bad, that is life...

    if you are not happy where you are at, change... you are the only one responsible for your happiness..

    If you don't like where you are living, move. that is what leaving the family is about. make your own life, growing up happens whether you want it to or not.   it is called life.

    so just choose to be happy.... if you are sad, let yourself be sad for a tiny bit, a few hours or a day... then move on.

  15. I am 23, and I can't say I have 'grown up' yet. For me, I love to laugh, act silly somtimes, make random jokes and make others laugh. Why take life in such a hard manner? I don't see a point to it. I'd rather die happy and a fool than die rich and miserable.

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