
Is gta 4 okay for my ageim 14 and i hear the gamestop employees try to convince the parent not to get there ?

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Is gta 4 okay for my ageim 14 and i hear the gamestop employees try to convince the parent not to get there ?




  1. If I were your parent, I wouldn't let you play it.  There is a ton of swearing an tons of violence... not just Halo style where you might see a blood splatter on the wall, but execution-style shootings as well.  If your parent's won't let you see rated R movies, you aren't old enough for this game... period.

  2. I'm 15 and I've got it, but the best idea is to ask your parents. Whatever you do don't try to convince Gamestop to sell you it, you will end up looking like an idiot, and could be banned from the store.

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