
Is guarana also known as "deer eye"?

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i have this 'seed like thing' that i think is most likely guarana that my friend gave me. he told me that is was a "deer eye", but i saw a commercial that had a picture of guarana, and my seed thingy looked like it, so i was wondering that "deer eye" is just another word for guarana.




  1. He gave you a buckeye.  It's the seed of a buckeye tree.

  2. it's aka caffeine

    "Guarana: Hidden Caffeine

    Guarana is an ingredient found in many sodas, energy drinks, protein bars, and natural weight-loss aids. It comes from the seeds of a woody vine native to Brazil named for an Amazonian people, the Guarani, who process the seeds for use in food, drink, and medicine. What might be a surprise is that guarana contains concentrations of naturally occurring caffeine higher than that found in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola. Guarana sodas are immensely popular in South America, especially Brazil, and the stimulant is finding its way into more and more energy drinks. Guarana is sometimes marketed as a natural alternative to caffeine, but it's caffeine all the same. Look at the labels of some energy drinks and you'll see both caffeine and guarana, which means that you're getting caffeine from two sources. "

    —Heidi Schultz

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