
Is halal meat organic?

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Is halal meat organic, and are the animals slaughtered treated humanely prior to being slaughtered? Like cage-free, hormone-free chickens?

I would think they would be organic and treated humanely, but where does halal meat come from? In northern CA, are there farms that specialize in halal meat? Is there a council that overlooks the treatment of the animals too?




  1. Halal meat is organic in the biological sense.  The animal is slaughtered directly cutting the jagular vein , using a very sharp knife  then letting the blood flow out .  They make sure the animal life-force is totally out.

    In Islam , animals are treated humanly, but to see whether the animal is totally raised in an organic , hormone - free environment , you still have to check the governing body that determines whether the meat is organic.  Having everything halal is important to a Muslim, cause if a Muslim eats non-halal sources knowingly, when there are halal sources available , his prayers are not accepted by God for 44 days .  Halal is totally different from kosher .

  2. It all depends on what the aniamls were fed while being raised. if they were fed certified organic grain free of GMO's, antibiotices, etc.. and grazed on certified organic pasture and killed in a certified organic Halal slaughter house that yes the meat is organic. if the animals were raised on conventional/GMO feed and grazed on a farm that is not certified organic, than the animal is not considered organic, though if slaughtered properly can be considered Halal.

    From what I have been told by Muslim customers looking for Halal meat all that needs to be done is a certain prayer must be said when the animals throat is cut and the blood drains from the body. He mentioned nothing about how the animals were treated while being raised. he also said a non Muslim, as long as they are religious, can say the prayer.

  3. no nothing like that.

    all that things which is permissible for a Muslim to do is called halal and all that which is not permissible to a Muslim is called haram like a Muslim cannot consume liquor,etc.some does consume it but it is an altogether different story.

    halal meat is a meat procure after slaughtering a animal in a manner prescribed my Islam(cutting the veins present in the neck while taking the name of Allah)  

    scientific point of view-

    blood contains uric acid which is very poisonous. when u cut the veins of the neck, the blood in the body flows out through the cut veins thus preventing the blood to come in contact  with the flesh thus preventing it from getting contaminated.

  4. It's not organic, it's made in a lab from the exploded body parts of wahabi terrorists.

  5. Salam for you Mila.Yes all halal meats are organic Animals should be slaughtered and treated humanely and the slaughterer should say bismillah hirrahman nir rohim prior the animal is being slaughtered.Halal meat should be supervised by certain body or council which has this function .I do not wheher in CA there is body like that as in my country.
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