
Is hamster cannibalism normal?

by  |  earlier

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I got two pretty hamsters earlier today and put them in a new cage. I've looked it up and it should be big enough (3 square feet) so I don't know why this is happening. I went out to eat earlier and when I came back, the big hamster was fighting the smaller one. The big one is chewing a hole through the small ones stomach, and sadly he can't really fight back.

Is this common?




  1. Separate them!!! And yes, sadly cannibalism is common in hamsters. That's what you get when you combine two hamsters in one cage. They are solitary animals, so they don't like living with each other.

  2. With any animal, dominance is necessary. Hamsters are very territorial, and it isn't smart to mix two hamsters that were not raised together.

    Even Salem, my hamster, would fight with her daughter on occasion.

    I believe that your hamster is just trying to show that he is dominant, but ends up killing the other hamster. I suggest just leaving him alone. Hamsters don't need companions like other animals do.  

  3. Yeah that is normal, but take the small one out if its alive. Then rush to the vet. Then buy another cage. You probably have a syrian, they are territorial.

    But that is nasty!

    Good Luck!

  4. What type of hamsters do you have.

    Syrians, (teddy bear, panda, etc) are solitary animals, and shouldn't be kept with any other hamsters.


    Take a look at these hamsters the Syrians are towards the bottom of the page, if they look simlular to any of them, then you have a Syrian.

    You need to separate them as soon as you can. The one WILL kill the other, specially if he can't fight back.

  5. You should check this out...

  6. unfortunately it is! sorry!

  7. Have you separated them!? What kind of hamsters are they? Most hamsters are very solitary and will fight to the death if housed together, which is why any site/book on the subject will tell you this. You need two separate cages.

    EDIT: If they're big, they're likely Syrians. Syrians cannot live together, and you'll have to get another cage. They'll likely kill each other eventually. If you can't get another cage, you should try to find someone who will want to have one of them.

    Alright, I was iffy about whether this was the truth or not, but now I can't believe you. Eating his insides and you're here saying "durr what do i do?" C'mon now. Give us a little credit. If that were happening you'd know to pull the other one out.

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