
Is hamster fluff safe?

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I bought a little box of it. I'm not going to use it as bedding but I'm going to put some in this little hamster hideout. Ia this an okay idea? Is it safe?




  1. No it can cause impacted cheek pouches or intestinal blockages if eaten.  And can also get tangled around their limbs and cause injuries.

  2. The bedding that looks fluffy like cotton wool is bad for hamsters.  It can get tangled in their intestines in swallowed and can cause injuries by getting tangled round legs.  The soft shredded paper bedding is better.

  3. if there is chemicals then no, if the bag says chemical free or natrueal then yes.

  4. well the thought of it may sound good, but your hamster will most likly want to try to eat it and i will, yes you heard me it will cause problems and may even kill the little guy, you can give it old newspaper (only is the ink is soy based) or scraps of old paper for it to use in its little house thing!

  5. I heard people say thatit could kill them by them getting stuck in there or idk but i have used fluff with my hamster all of his life (he is 1) and i had no problems.

    JUst to be sure, after you put it in walk by the cage like every 5 mins. It most likey will bve fine~

  6. bring the fluff back to the store or throw it away - its just a way to get money out of pet owners.  I have heard warnings about it though I don't know how accurate they are but why risk it?  Easy thing to do - toilet paper.  Get a couple squares and shred it in long strips.  leave it out in the middle of the cage for your little ham - and then watch the magic - lol.  They don't eat it, but your little one will have a wonderful time stuffing it in their cheeks - its like watching a magician's magic scarf trick - and carrying it triumphantly into corners, houses, wheels, etc. to leave it in little wadded balls.  Hams don't have a lot of spit so you don't have to worry about it getting wet and your ham will love it.  All mine do.  Its cheap and just make sure its not scented or colored - most toilet paper isn't.  Sometimes the simplest things really are the best.

  7. no dont put it in is completely unnecisary and they will most likely eat it.and if they eat it they will probably get an impacted bowl.when that happens kill seriouse it will die slowly and extrememly painfull just put them out when they get impacted bowls.

  8. if its the bedding that is like cotton wool i have used that b4 wiv my hammies and i have had 7 and they have all been ok but i would rather use the cloth bedding as to me that is safer
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