
Is hamster potty litter poisonous?

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I just got a hamster about 3/4 days ago. I bought him a litter potty to train him with and put it in last night. When I woke up this morning most of the litter was gone from the potty and there was not any in the cage. I later watched him eat the litter.

He seems to have eaten quite a bit of it and I am wondering if it is poisonous to him or bad for him. I lost the box so I have no way of reading on the label.




  1. I have my hamsters litter trained and the safest thing to use is Chinchilla Bath Sand.  Chinchilla Bath Sand is 100% volcanic mountian pumice and is Non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, and almost completely dust-free.  I first learned about it from other hamsters owners on a site called "Hamster Hide-out."  The other owners were not fans of the hamster litter that is being sold because their hamsters were eating the litter and it was getting stuck in the hamster's pouches.  I hope this helps--Take Care!

  2. YES it is very dangerous!!!

    Did you hamster eat it or just store it in his cheeks check.

    If eaten give you hamster some watermelon this will cause diarea and your hamster should pass the toxins.

  3. put regular shaving there. hamster eat their own waste, so if it is poisonous (i dunno) thelitter will be consumed too.

  4. It is if he/she is eating as much as you say!!! My hamster's have a litter pan with cat litter and they ate like 2 peices of it. I think that they didn't eat very much because it is really bad smelling to me. The hamster litter doesn't smell too bad, which is a good thing. Maybe ask a vet about what to do


  5. Yes it is take him to the vet and they can maybe detox him or something it can kill you hamster or give it diseases, also check on the internet to absoloutley make sure... Yes I am doing this on an IPHONE

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