
Is handball a one-on-one sport?

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Or can couples play too? What are the regulations? Who scores?




  1. Umm... Hand ball is a team sport...

  2. Anything involving balls needs to be a multiplayer sport,

  3. You can play by yourself or on a team but just like in gym class there's a rule that there has to be at least one girl on every team. This also gives you the most play time which im sure we are all happy about.

  4. I've only seen it as a one-on-one sport.  But, if you and your friends want to play as couples, why not make up your own rules...

  5. it sounds a little dangerous for the guys


  6. Couples can play, three opponents can play.  The regulations are whatever you wish them to be in that the ball can be hit alternately by someone from each team or you can make the rules so that a certain player must hit the ball after another specific player.  Scores are always given to the serving team.  If your team wins the point, but wasn't serving, you now are the serving team.  Sort of like racquetball.

  7. anyone can play.

  8. it certainly is a couples sport.  as a resident expert on handball i've seen anywhere from 2 to 20 handballers going at it.  and the more players there are, the crazier it gets.  

    if you are playing with 3+ opponents, just don't lose track of where the balls are.

  9. everybody gets a chance to score. i think you form a circle.

  10. O,  it can be,  or couples.   it all depends.  :)

  11. Anyone can play, you make up the rules as you go.

  12. depends on which handball you mean.  the original game is a team sport from scandinavia,  this new one should change its name lol

  13. I think it can be a multiple player sport, the more the merrier

  14. handball is either a team sport or a one on one sport. this alot of different variations to handball.

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