
Is handball another name for American football it should be.?

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i know handball is a completly different sport but american football should also be called handball cause it uses its hands 98% of the time.




  1. when are u people going to understand that what you call handball is not known as such by more than 2% of the world population?

    For more than 98% it is the game which is on the Olympic schedule:7-a-side, played indoors, with goals, 2 referees, lots of action.

    Current W Ch. medallists in handball: Spain, Germany, Croatia (men) and Russia, Romania, Denmark(women)

    Current Olympic medallists: Croatia, Germany, Sweden (men);Denmark, Korea, France (women)

      I know it doesn't have to do with the original question, but the constant mention of this Celtic-Anglo-Saxon-raquetball-like thing drives me crazy. The IOC only recognizes the other handball as 'handball' by the way.

      PS I didn't want to offend anyone, much less the Irish for instance, because it's a part of their culture, but I really got fed up. Even Y! Answers should separate things, I think...

  2. every one on this sight is a dumb a ss, you clearly stated you knew handball wasn't the smae sport as football, i will be the only one to answer your question, "football" should be called "handball" because they use thier hands more than thier feet to control the ball

  3. A handball is a penalty in soccer for someone other than the goalie that touches the ball with their hands

  4. No you are thinking of soccer. They call it hand ball because that is where the soccer players all get their steroid shots.

    Yes my statement is stupid - just like several of your other questions/statements!

  5. Handball is more like Squash, or Racqetball, but without a racquet.  They use a glove.

  6. You're another Land of Eng idiot? If so, and do i really need to explain it again...oh, go read here:

    All sports played ON foot were called football hence asociation football (soccer), Gaelic football, rugby football (rugby union), Ausie Rules football, [American] football and [Canadian] football.

    Handball is that weird sport we only ever come across at the Olys or are forced to play in PE class instead of floor hockey or crab soccer.

  7.'s totally different... :p

    I hate to xplain this but be smarter next time...

  8. No handball is a totally different game.

  9. No, handball is a completely different sport.

    It is played with a small rubber ball which is smacked with an open palm against a surface.   American football is played with a much larger ball and is kicked and thrown rather than being smacked.

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