
Is handball the game where you hit the ball off the wall with another person or is it some european game?

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Is handball the game where you hit the ball off the wall with another person or is it some european game?




  1. I think its the same game in america and europe just more popular there.

    If you do not give me best answer i will urinate onto you.

  2. yeah its just the hitting the ball off the wall. its an american sport too just not very popular

    and theres also team handball which is more fun

    and it also a game a lot of lonely guys like to play

  3. It's actually both. I was looking through the internet and I found different ways to play from what I remember growing up. Things could have changed over the years or we may have played a street form of handball. I remember in the late *cough, cough* 70s and the early *cough, cough* 80s (I'm telling my age we played handball with a spalding ball against one wall in the center of the junior high school yard and there was a small court outlined on the ground. The lines were long, basically the one that won kept possession of the wall until someone else beat them and the wall was relinquished to the new winner/winners. You could play individually or as a team. When the lines were too long we just used the school or project walls. For those who were uncoordinated with a small ball, they used paddles (similar to the ones used in ping pong). So you either played handball, paddle ball or basketball during recess.

  4. american handball-you hit it off the wall with another person

    european handball--sort of like a cross between soccer and water polo played on land.  team sport.

    chinese handball--hit it off the wall but have to bounce it on the way to the wall

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