
Is hannah montana really hillary duff part 2. and shouldn't Disney have gotten a real blond instead?

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Is hannah montana really hillary duff part 2. and shouldn't Disney have gotten a real blond instead?




  1. no. don't compARE NO ONE TO HILARY.



  2. no - Hilary Duff is a real life person, Hannah Montana is a fictional character. So there really is no comparison. Plus, a real blonde wouldn't work to well in an attempt to hide her identity with a blonde wig.  

  3. ur question is pretty stupid  

    when u say hanna montana and hilary duff do u mean hannah montana the charActer

    hilarie duff as an actress turned out pretty good hanna montana is a character from a show she has a cd out but its actually more of a soundtrack to the show  

    the blonde part has nothing to do with anything its a wig to hide the fact that miley cyrus is trying to hide her identity when playing hannah montana

    if ur going to be a hater dont be so ignorant

  4. i remember hilary duff. she had a much better show and she was a helluva lot hotter.

    and this is coming from some1 who basically hates anything Disney.  

  5. Hannah is a fake. If you're referring to Miley then no. Hilary Duff is a trillion times more talented than Miley, just saying.

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