
Is happiness a realistic goal?

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Is happiness a realistic goal?




  1. Yes, that's what everyone is pursuing.

  2. not really...actually not at all.. happiness is something we're all chasing all the time but its never ours to keep... we cant always be happy...cause  happiness is always follwed by sadness or nothingness... it doesnt have staying power and why run after something that can only be ours for a moment...

  3. Is it unrealistic? Of all the things I do, I feel that it is most easy to be happy. I don;t think that happiness is hard to find, but then again, the question is not about finding happiness, but if it is realistic. I don't know. I can't imagine if it is realistic. We evolved as only a short time ago, but these questions of our behaviors being realistic are hard done, it is not simple to say if it is a expression which is not a real chracteristic of today but maybe humans have not really progressed that much.

  4. Yes it is, if you allow it to be.

  5. absolutely... all you have to do is want to be happy and you shall. I understand that there are always extenuating circumstances that make it hard to be happy, but I'll tell you from personal experiences that I have been through h**l in my life and even gotten angry with my lot but when it comes down to it at the end of the day I know that I choose to be miserable or happy.

    No matter how bad things get you have to realize that life, god, or whatever Deity you believe in never gives us more than we can handle. We have these situations, these dramas of life in order to grow, to learn, to become better people. We are defined by what we resist, what we fight for, and what we survive. The strongest steel is forged in the fires of h**l. So remember be happy no matter how bad life is at the time.

  6. Yes.  It is the highest of all the emotions.

  7. If you have none other, Happiness must be the ONLY Goal... -For without it, Life is not worth Living...

  8. This is a very thought provoking question. I hate to sound like one of those idiot sportscasters that point out the obvious all the time but I haven't seen a question this good on here in a while. It really depends on the type of personality you have. Happiness is a very broad goal in today's age and I think it can be achievable by first looking at yourself as a the most important. I'm not implying you should go out and kill the first person you see for your advantage and loot there houses but you should put yourself as your most important aspect of life. This of course means taking care of yourself both mentally and physically and relying on your own happiness and your own mind and realizing that these companies that sell products are out to take your money and these products you transact for are not exactly good for you. They are to get you addicted and will leave you wanting more. Now, does that sound like happiness to you? Well, just look out for yourself, put yourself as your top priority and try to help others as well. There is no need to follow someones footsteps into the grave if you have grown weary of trying to help them. So, counter-consumerism, putting yourself as your top priority is the key. I hope you benefit and prosper from this answer and try to at least think about what I said. And remember--Not caring for the third world countries is not what I mean by this method for that can affect you and your mind state. Helping the helpless is very good for you too, remember that.

    Thank you for listening

  9. it is, but we live in an unhappy, sad world. so it makes the that goal all more difficult to achieve. someone doesn't have to necessarily be going thru thick and thin, it's the news around the world. there's fighting here, there's fighting there

  10. yes with out a doubt not 24-7 52 weeks a year that would be just stupid  we by nature are a bunch of miserable people only them with out the reason to no better would be like that my son with down syndrome  dose not want to be happy AL the time his got his mardy points not as many as dad lol but his old

  11. It isn't a goal, but yes. It is realistic! Happiness is one of the best things in life. Something that makes you smile is happy. Even when the world seems as if it is coming to an end, there is always a little light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to believe that there is such a thing is happiness.

    Hope this helps you =]]


    Remember to smile! ☺

  12. Those who pursue happiness never find it. It isn't something you can chase after. Modern society has confused happiness with periods of temporarily ending suffering. Society has people focused on desiring wants and not improving the self.

    Happiness is creating and getting involved in ones life and creating. It could range from building birdhouses to writing essays.

    Happiness includes having positive characteristics like bravery, compassion, honesty, and a good sense of humor. Happiness can also be developed through suffering. Not masochistic suffering, but the suffering from life events like the death of a loved one.

    The third step is tied in with suffering. Our mental approach to the world around us can create happiness. We can't control a lot of the situations we get into, but we can control how we react to them.

    The last step is finding spirituality or religion. A belief higher than yourself.

    Yes, it is realistic if you try hard enough.

  13. Happiness is the only real goal in life, for happiness is our birth right and connects us to the truth of who we really are. Being the truth of who we really are is what creates happiness.  We are all unique and are born to be the best that we can be, sharing our talents and abilities where ever we go, this makes us truly happy. So the answer to your question is YES!

  14. yes, without a doubt. Eternal happiness is stretching it a bit, but taking happiness out of the little things in life, like reading a great book or eating a huge cookie, that is something you can aim for definitely :)

    and now i really feel like a big cookie

  15. define happiness? happiness is a life time goal that actually takes a life time to reach and obtain, everyday we work towards the goal of happiness....

  16. No, not in the long run. I read somewhere that happiness is a place you visit, but you can't build a house there. Contentment and fulfillment are realistic goals. Our lives are full of circumstances that make happiness impossible. But if you are content you can weather those storms gracefully. Making happiness a goal often leads to unhappiness.

  17. i'm happy now.what a view   "agent man looks up"

  18. I don't think of it as a "goal."  I believe it just is, and you know it when you feel it.

  19. Of course it is.

  20. Being a hedonist is happiness to me.

    I'll go sunbathing, make buffalo wings, be lazy, watch a movie later.

    It's a blast.

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