
Is having a General Anaesthetic a big thing - having my Wisdom teeth out on Thursday?

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Is having a General Anaesthetic a big thing - having my Wisdom teeth out on Thursday?




  1. A general anaesthetic works by putting you to sleep by means of an injection.

    You will not feel a thing once you have the injection and you will not remember anything. The surgery for that operation will probably only last a short time so you will not be under the anaesthetic for very long. However, whilst you are under anaesthetic the anaesthatist who is a qualified doctor will remain with you to ensure you are ok by checking your heart and chest patterns.

    When you wake up, you will probably feel tired and maybe feel a little sick. Your mouth will probably be a bit sore where they have cut your gums to get the teeth out but you will be given painkillers.

    If you are really nervous on the day, as soon as you get to the hospital ask for a premed, which is a tablet to keep you calm whilst you are waiting.

  2. As a rule general anaesthetic is not a big deal. Anytime you go under there are risks. You should be fine. You acutally while feel really good right after.

  3. As with any type of anaesthetic there is an element of risk but it is a very tiny risk, you will go to sleep quickly and wake up with some discomfort - things like this are not totally painless, but neither will you wake up writhing in agony. Talk to your surgeon and anaesthetist they will put your mind at ease.

    I had all 4 of mine out sat in a dentists chair in Ely with only a local anaesthetic - I think you have the better deal.

  4. I had 5 ops in the last 2 years and I was scared. No Need, it really is ok. You know nothing and afterwards you feel a fool for worrying. The best way to think is if dentist taking them out its for a reason. So you will gain and there is no better way to have them pulled then anaesthetic. NOOOOO PAIN. Besta luck anyway.x

  5. I dont know i am having 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled out and another 2 so i was goin to ask the same question

  6. My dentist has always taken out my wisdom teeth and she has always given me plenty of local but I have never had a GA to have wisdom teeth out.

    Good Luck thou

  7. No they will just put you in what is called a twilight stage (you won't be fully knocked out) You are awake and aware but don't feel it at all.  I just had mine out last year (tops both sides) and it's over before you know it.

  8. Best of Luck!!

  9. There are a lot of risks associated with using a general anesthetic but complications are rare if you are properly screened prior to administration and monitored while you are unconscious.

  10. I have had three out,you feel nothing with a good dentist.My last extraction,the tooth snapped off and he had to drill the roots out,i still felt nothing,it was sore when the dope wore off though.

  11. i had mine out last oct all 4, i thought it was going to be bad, but its really not as bad as you  think, liquid for couple days, yogurt soup etc. anaesthetic just makes you tired and sometimes sick. good luck you will be fine.

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