
Is having a child a right?

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Should anyone be allowed to have a child? Violent criminals? Single parents? Is it right to bring a child into the world knowing you cannot support it financially?




  1. I think a lot of people didn't understand your Q. No./..having a child is not a right....if you can you can...that's it. SOme people just are not destined for it.

  2. No!  

    The following is from Dear Abby, what this woman is thinking I don't know.

  3. So are u to able see the future wow I mean If you are able to support financially now but what if you r injured and unable to financially provide for the care of Ur child for instant, Your question inflammability issue take far greater than this question . when dose a inequity and be come a disruption of rigths. How a these rigths legitimised in democracy and social state. Take for instance China legislate against parents having more than one child. Yes there is defined cases that the right has to taken away for the safety of the child ....

  4. No, I work hard for my money.... I don't see why I should have to pay for another woman's child (usually more than one though isn't it) while she sit on her fat **** watching Oprah all day! If you can't support your child....don't have one.

  5. I don't believe it's a right for one very good reason:  Thousands of women try for years to get pregnant and never can.  Don't they have rights?

    I think it's wrong on so many levels to bring a child into the world that you know you can't support, be it financially or physically or emotionally.  However, that's one area where we would have problems if the government stepped in.  When Club Fed or the State says violent criminals or single parents or women on welfare can't have children, there would be a major backlash.  Many would complain that the government is overstepping its bounds and invading the privacy (and the rights) of the private citizen.  What do you do then?  And what if that's just the tip of the iceberg?  What if they say illegal immigrants can't have children, or people with genetic defects that are likely to be passed on to their children?  That's marching down the road to Hitler's master race...

  6. Honestly, they put more restrictions on adopting a dog from the pound then on people wanting to be "parents".

    But I don't think this is something that can be legislated. The only way this problem is going to be remedied is by having morals and better judgment skills taught to the children that are here now, so they make better choices later in life.

    Serious restrictions on well fare would help the problem too, but good luck with that!!

  7. It IS considered a "right" that can't be taken away, but it shouldn't be. You should need to get a license.

  8. No, I think it's a gift.

  9. People shouldn't have kids and expect Welfare to pay for it.

  10. Anyone can have a child. It's biology. How are you going to control it?

    I don't think that only the rich should have children. Goodness no.  

    You are talking about a big societal problem that has yet to be tackled. We just deal with the effects of larger consequences that result from the decisions society makes overall.

  11. There is no such thing as a right to have a child, it is a gift.

    Why are you comparing single parents with violent criminals?

    If poverty was a reason not to have children then millions of people would not be here, including me. My parents were dirt poor, are you saying I should not be here? Well, are you?

  12. anyone is allowed, but anyone with a dodgy character should be checked on regularly. and they should care and love the child.

  13. I actually see more of the opposite happening. People who are not really suited to parenthood or those who don't want children are often pressured into it by their friends or family members. Parenthood should be optional, not mandatory.

  14. Wait, how did violent criminals and single parents get put into the same category? I realize that being a single parent is not ideal but there are single parents out there who can love and financially support their children.

    While I agree that bringing a child into the world when you are having financial difficulties is not the greatest idea, I don't think it's the worst case scenario either. Accidents happen, as long as the parent/parents are willing to take care of their children responsibly and make an effort towards creating a better financial situation for themselves, I don't see the problem.

    Besides we can't control who can have children and who can't. All our government can do is take away those children who are being mistreated.

  15. anyone that'll take care of it yes if not then no

  16. What kind of question is that...Who are you to say should anyone be allowed to have a child, more importantly don't you think by stating "single parents" reinforces an already stigmatized group..?I am a single parent and a full time student at University, so quite frankly I think this question is such a generalization and a blanket statement. There are many single parents who can support their child financially, I am one of them, you obviously don't understand the concept that human nature is extremely complex, and is not black and white, if you did you wouldn't of asked this ridiculous question!!

  17. Rights are created by people. They are written into laws.

    We cannot write laws prohibiting people from procreating.  For one, having a child is biological, not legal.  And second, where would it stop?  Poor people don't have the right to have children....people with genetic disorders don't have the right to have children....

    I do agree that someone shouldn't bring children into the world if they can't afford to feed them, but I don't think you can legislate that.

  18. I don't think that a person should bring a child into the world if they cannot support him/her financially. But as for criminals etc I don't see why not. Sometimes children change the parents and make them into better persons.

  19. Yes

  20. I am strongly for quality of life but we can't all stop having children because of that you think the criminals and violent people will stop having children? All that will be left is a world of them and those vulnerable in other countries which don't have contraception that wouldn't be fair. Lets try raising intelligent moral children.

  21. Well as long as you love it and care for it. So it is right

  22. I don't think whether or not people have children is something that should be regulated by the state.  There is enough state interference in our lives already, how much more are we to tolerate?

  23. If you can make one with your own body (sorry infertile people and g**s) then it's a right. Nature pretty much decided that.

  24. It is a right, but a right that requires responsibility and foresight. Way to many individuals make personal decisions based off immediate gratification. All important decisions in life should be made from a long term perspective, with having children being the quintessential example.

  25. No I don't think it's right, in my opinion. Some people can't take care of children..this is obvious in today's society..adoptions, fostering etc. These children will always feel different, and sometimes that right for a child to feel that..?

    ALso children that have abusive that fair on the child? Maybe them people just shouldn'e have been allowed to have children?

  26. Sometimes its not a choice...but i do say they should give welfare and section 8 recipients drug test and random inspections.

  27. I truly believe that you should only have children if you will love them with all your heart, provide for them financially and not mistreat them in any way :)

  28. What if the minimum amount was just under your income ability? Would you vote yes?

    I don't believe in tyranny or fascism. I also dont' believe in promoting unresponsible reproduction by rewarding with extra pay for having an additional child.

    A person can't fight for more socialism in regards to childcare and then get upset when people have children.

  29. I believe having children is a responsibility.  A responsibility that too many people take too lightly.

  30. Yes, it is a right. We have a right to procreate; but ones rights do not speak of responsibility. This is a separate issue.

    A better question is, "should a responsible person rear a child when they could not support that child financially and emotionally"?

    Frankly, whether one is married or rich is irrelevant; but only that you have the means to survive without forgoing basic necessities in life.

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