
Is having a conscience a choice?

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Is having a conscience a choice?




  1. if you continue to ignore it. it fades into a quiet voice that is easy to ignore. so not unless you are a sociopath or purposely get rid of it. it is not really a choice.

  2. no  but  ignoring  it  is

  3. Nope!

  4. It is both a choice and a taught behaviour. You learn from example what kinds of things are acceptable and which will trigger your conscience. But not everyone follows exactly as they're taught, they choose to change their conscience.

  5. Yes.

  6. The choice is in whether you listen to your conscience or not.

  7. Not at all, its what keeps people from doing bad tiongs like murder. but some people dont have one.

  8. Having a conscience is one of the things that sets us apart from animals. We reason, and feel emotion.

  9. Having conscience is not a choice . it is a feature of our humanity . it is a part of our awareness .

    The only problem in our consciencee is that we set the limits .

    We kill animals and eat them and our minds are clear . we dont feel any remorse for depriving animals of their lives because that is how we happen to survive .

    So you can see that we are picky when it comes to conscience .

    By the way i love meat .

  10. Having one, no

    listening to it, yes.

  11. No you are born with it. The choice you have is whether you will listen to it or not.

    Some people disregard their conscience so often that they actually learn to turn it off and live without a conscience. Poor people, they don't know what their missing.

  12. i truly beleive it is.....we all know right from wrong,,,,we know

    left from right,,,,so we choose which road to take, no one can force us

    to go east,,,,when we want to go,,,,,west,,,,,,we elect to go

    This way or to go That way.

  13. Having a conscience is not per chance. It is inbuilt in everyone. It is the inner voice. Awareness of being something. Recognizing the distinction between right and wrong in regard to one's own conduct, together with the feeling that one ought not to do wrong. We are all well aware that we are living. Self awareness is not given to a person by choice. It is there with everybody.

  14. How deep or higher do you want to go with conscience. The answer depends on this selection.

    Everything in this universe has a character that is very analogous to conscience. Every creation is created with it. The judgment made by the creation is not by choice. The result of the choice if made, is always same.


    Acid / Base will always burn. It is the conscience imbibed into this creation when it was created until it exists in this state.

    A lion will not hunt for its food and not for pleasure. Once it's hunger is fulfilled it is not going to kill another anilmal even if it fnds hundreds of them in its vicinity.

    Human on the the other hand is created with all the conscience and its in-depth and detailed understanding. Its the environmental and influence of surroundings as the human develops conscience as he grows.

    The greatest quality of human is to see himself within himself and others also in himself. The day an individual is able to visualize and attain this level, his conscience is awakened and this person can be influential in bringing good to those who are yet to understand themselves and see oneself within oneself.

    [ No gender bis in my opinion when I say Man I mean man and woman]

    Shiva B

    Thanks to Gurumurthy: One of my true Gurus.

  15. A conscience is neither somthing your born with nor a talent. It is a combination of your upbringing, interaction with other people, listening to both sides of a story, and the ability to stand back and make up your own mind. Right or wrong, good or bad. Conscience is the ability to make a choice based on experience!  ------------CarlD.

  16. ...DISAGREE... know RIGHT from WRONG and act indifferent is a CHOICE...

  17. I assume you mean can we not be a moral animal.  The answer is that some humans are not moral, the sociopaths, the criminally insane, and a few other minority categories of humans.  But they probably don't have a choice in not being a normal human.

    You can study morals and have an understand them and even make wrong choices concerning what is morally right, temporarily ignore morals because of some stronger emotion or force, or even adopt the customs of a foreign culture that would appear to be immoral in some social sense, but a normal human cannot behave and feel as if there were no morality.

    It has been demonstrated that humans are not taught morals.  We are taught cultural and religious forms of morals but our innate sense of morality is hardwired in us and can be demonstrated to exist in infants as young as five months old, far too young to have been taught morals.

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