
Is having a girlfriend worth it?

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I am an 18 year old boy who will be going to university in my home town in a couple of weeks. I am generally happy with my life, I've got plenty of friends who I see regularly and I have a decent social life.

The problem is I have never had a girlfriend and out of all my friends only one is a girl. At times when I am out and I see couples together my age it makes me feel kind of lonely because I have never experienced the warmth and affection you get off a girl.

So my questions are: How can I get less shy around girls?

Is chasing girls worth the effort in the end?




  1. My husband had never dated a girl until me and he was 19 when we got together. He was very shy when I first met him but I thought he was so cute. So I made the move on him and asked him out and kissed him first and everything. Just show a little cofidence and a little mystery and girls will be wanting to date you. I promise when you get to college you will have a chance to meet a lot of girls and they will see yor smart side and your kindness and fall for that. Just be patient and yes having a girlfriend is worth it.

  2. be friendly and generous but not stupidly generous around girls and just be yourself and think to yourself why should i be shy around girls because if they sre intwerested they will approach you and yes it is worthit you will wonder why you left it so long

  3. Only desperate ppl run after girls. Most american girls are full of **** but If you have plenty of $$ you can treat them like c**p & they`d still be coming after you. That`s the truth.

  4. your first experience should not be with a american girl, they often have bad attitudes. try going out with a asian girl, we love american boys, especially if you look like a celebrity. my favorite is dicaprio.

  5. It is worth it and just walk up to someone you find attractive and say hi , if she blows you off move on  

  6. We are by nature a very social species and close relationships are very important to our health and well being.

    To get over your shyness remember that girls are just as shy. smile a lot at everyone you meet and see who smiles back, then start with small talk. the shyness will soon go away.

    Make a list of what you want in a relationship. be specific and read that list everyday. you will be surprised at how fast someone will come into your life. Once you meet this person you will now if the chase was worth it!

  7. the worst thing about being dead is that a person is dead for an awfully long time......Enjoy  being 18 and single ..because once this fun time in your life is gone and you give up your freedom for a relationship.....its gone for a very long time too.

  8. Awwwww you sound sooo sweet!!! Meet a shy girl, tell her shes pretty or , " your really pretty"

    and she.will.FREAK!!!lol I know I would if a guy told me that,lol

    but seriously you sound cute!=]

  9. first of all, dont think about lukin cool or bein some1 else in front of the girl. jus be urself wats da point of havin a girlfriend and not bein urself

    2nd of all ofcourse its worth it. having a girl means having someone 2 trust completely n tell things u wont be abl 2 tell ur fellow male friends.there r some stuff u can only tell females (obviously not ur mom or aunt!!). so i say go 4 it

  10. live a little - it is worth it - love makes life worth living

    so get out there - get knocked down, get back up and keep looking, you have the rest of your life ahead of you so don't be shy and get out there

    good luck

  11. you're going to uni! dont worry about girls

    have fun and if a nice girl comes along then a nice girl comes along

    dont waste time looking for it or feeling down about not being in a relationship x

  12. Ya, it’s worth it, hang in there! Don’t be shy, all they can say is no, and you might hear it many times before you hear yes, But each time you hear (Yes or no) you should learn from it. What you did right and what you did wrong,,,, you will find the no's get farther and farther apart.

    Then again,,,,

    Just remember this,

    a GF is Cheaper than a wife,

    and a prostitute is cheaper than a GF,,

    food for thought! ;0)

  13.   No stay a virgin a long time.

  14. You should never chase any girl.  If you treat women nicely, they will not run from you.  Make friends first and see what happens.  You are starting school soon, so there will be plenty of new girls to meet.

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