
Is having a headache and being sick normal when I'm on my period?

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i seem to be getting headaches and feeling sick on this period. Is this connected to something else or is this just normal? I also wanted too know if becoming more active can change my period like i just started school back up and i take weigh lifting class and I'm allot more active than i used too be, and my period was a week late this month when i started so could that be why?




  1. Change in physical activity can alter your period.

    Your symptoms sound normal.

    here are some other symptoms of PMS:

        *  acne

        * breast swelling and tenderness

        * feeling tired

        * having trouble sleeping

        * upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea

        * headache or backache

        * appetite changes or food cravings

        * joint or muscle pain

        * trouble concentrating or remembering

        * tension, irritability, mood swings, or crying spells

        * anxiety or depression

  2. It can be one or the other.  People always seem to feel sick when they are on their period.....I know I do.  Otherwise, if you are sexually active, you could be pregnant.  I do not think it is anything to worry about, cause you are probably just going through some menstrual symptoms.  And, to answer the other question, yes your cycle can change from being active.  

  3. I am a major sport player and I can tell you for a fact that when you do athletics, or change your schedule with the amount you exercise, it will affect your period.  I can not have mine for months if i run enough, or barley have one at all or a monthly basis.  As far as getting sick and having a headache... my best suggestion would be to drink more water.  Headaches are mostly caused by dehydration and can be prevented by drinking water.  Also try to limit your intake on pops and sodas, these cause dehydration.

  4. Perfectly normal because it's adjusting to your new schedule and plus STRESS can make your period start late and if you are thinknig about the school year and get stressed you get sick more.

  5. yes, yes!

  6. Excercise is soo good for your period.

    I get headaches too.

    I get backaches a lot too.


  7. yes u usally feel sick that week.  ug!!

  8. headache and period are 2 different things

  9. no giving people headaches and making people sick is normal when ur on a period lol.

  10. Hormones are crazy.

    Headaches are normal and feeling sick can happen.

    Some people get diarrhea, some people vomit and some people feel nauseas.

    I used to get colds every time I got mine (your immune system is weakened when you are on your period)

    Not to mention is is going to change as you get older and could change due to activity level.

  11. It's really freakin normal to feel like c**p during your period.

  12. I don't know about sick, but I've been getting headaches for years right before my period so it must be related to hormones.  Everyone is different, but you could ask your gynecologist about it at your next exam.

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