
Is having an ISP tracker in a chat room illegal?

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I found one guy who told me all about my ISP info including that I was registered as a female and thats how "he knew" I was really a girl. Is this commonplace now? Am I safe anymore? Anonymity was really the only thing making me feel totally safe.




  1. My guess is that he was trying to freak ya out or try to get you to admit to something. I don't think your in any danger.

    Still it pays to be cautious at all times. I always thought chat rooms were pretty safe 90% of the time, as well, as long as you not trying to meet anyone in real life.

    there's that 10% though that have nothing better to do than try and hack your system and figure out who and where you are.

    But most of the people on the net are just average people without that knowledge or the motivation to act on it. Just be careful.

  2. There's no such thing as anonymity on the Internet. He probably just tracked you IP and looked at who it was registered to. I'm not sure if this is Illegal or not but I'm sure they have to have a reason to do it. You could use a Proxy,Bouncer or Spoofer to try and hide your IP but anyone with more then average level of understanding of computer's can still track you.

  3. It's not illegal and many are doing it. You need to get yourself a good firewall and you need to do it today! You can get a good free one at

    it's called Zone alarm and it's a really good one. Hipp site to download it from is extremely secure as well. Once you install it you simply double click it and open up the screen. Click on the Overview tab on the left, then click on the Preference tab on the right. Then click where it says hide your last octet of IP address! Then click on Hide your IP address as well. In that order!

    You'll feel much safer and they won't be able to do this to you again. You need security in your computer!! You should also be running a virus protection which you can have a great one for free as well, it's called AVG. It updates automatically daily.

    But the firewall is very important so people can't get to your information. More people you know are doing it. It's an inexpensive tool you can easily pick up so protecting yourself is all you can do. If you have a firewall you need to learn to set it to hide your ip address.

    but even the firewall will only hide it somewhat and you should use a program to completely hide it. There's a free on called Smart hide and it's at

    Yes, i like free stuff, why pay when you can find someone that offers it for free? anyway, you probably shut your door at night and close your windows in your home. Probably even lock your doors, why not lock up your computer?? I do.

  4. Chances are he just guessed or was able to view your internet profile such as through the messenger and used that or since he had a 50/50 chance picked one and went with it. He doesn't really know anything about you and cannot get your personal information from your ISP(since they don't ask or care for your gender when you buy their service)

  5. If you really want to surf without people finding you then you could always use an anonymous proxy server. There are ton of the internet just search google. But short answer if somebody really wants to find out information about you and your not a super secret spy then yes they can find almost anything now a-days. And it's technically not illegal because a certain portion of information is sent across the internet whenever you go someplace like what browser your using you general area you s*x if set you computer operating system ect. just how the internet works. They can't get your name address or personal info though that's stored in secure ISP databases

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