
Is having an afair worth it?

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Why risk your marriage?




  1. yes it is, There is so much thrill when having an affair

  2. People who have affairs don't care about the marriage to begin with. If they did, they would be willing to play this game of chance.

  3. Just keep it on the down affair is hot!!!!  

  4. It depends on the marriage.  

  5. worth what? NO.

  6. if you think you're gonna get caught definitely not.  however, it only risks your marriage if you get caught and most dont think they will and thats why they do it.  

  7. Yes and No.  Having an affair seemed to open a door to my sexuality.  But it has been 8 yrs. and I still feel guilty..

  8. Without being judgmental an affair can be beneficial to you personally in that you may.....get the attention you are craving, get the loving you need the way that you need it, get the flattery, get the boost in self-confidence, the excitement,the zest for life etc Having said that the downside of an affair can be disastrous.

    Friends may leave you, your lover eventually will go their own way, your self esteem gets hammered , your partner will lose their trust in you etc

    Only you can make the final decision whether it's worth it or not.

    Here is an example where it worked..a friend who was in a failing relationship met a divorcee who had a crappy breakup from an equally crappy husband and the 1 night stand they had together boosted her confidence levels , gave her the self assurance and self worth that she needed to pick herself up again and the confidence of knowing and feeling that she was still attractive and worthwhile after years 20 years of marriage.  

  9. Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end would tell you NO.

  10. dnt leave the one you love

    for the one you like

  11. not if you care about the relationship, his feelings, your feelings, and then just think about it, would you want to be cheated on?? you need to do some soul searching and really think about if you want to destroy someone like that! and also you know, what comes around goes around!

  12. Well not all want to have affairs.  Some people get very lonely in their relationships for instance when your partner emotionally cheats on you.  You're left feeling unwanted and unloved and too easily people get sucked in by affairs.  I am currently struggling with the same thing and although i haven't cheated physically or emotionally I can now see how easily one gets carried away...

  13. I don't think people see it as risking their marriage. I think they are just stepping outside their marriage to test the waters to make sure this is the person they want to spend their life with. I know it sounds wack, but most times than not, this is the risk most are willing to take. Some make it back to their partner and some don't.

    Hope that helps.

  14. I think most people would not have an affair if their marriage is good.  

    If husbands were happy in their marriage they wouldn't find that hot new girl in the office attractive and find himself chatting with her more than just business, nor would he ask her out to a "business" lunch, nor would he find her attention flattering.  He would have no problem giving her the cold shoulder.

    I believe if you or your husband is having an affair the marriage is already in the dumps and not worth much anyways.

    Most people stay together just because it is financially easier.  The emotional connection is long gone.

  15. just for the fun of it but not a good idea not worth for any relationship for love but if it is a relationship for money yea go head step out and come back and spend that money  

  16. no, if you want someone else get a divorce.

  17. some think it is.........  most think they're too slick to get caught.

  18. I wouldnt risk my marriage for any affair, i would just leave him if i wanted to be with someone else.

  19. people have affairs because they are not happy. an affair usually is not worth it at the end.  

  20. If the purpose of the affair is because the marriage is really over but not finalized by divorce, then I'd say it's worth it. If there is the need for gratification from someone, whether it be for sexual reasons or whatever, and you've all but left the actual residence, then it's OK to pursue. Otherwise, it'd be best to shun having an affair until at least ther is a legal separation in place.

  21. I would have to say NO. What you get from an affair is all smoke and mirrors. Especaily if the person you are with knows what you are up to. If not then you are lieing to yourself about the whole thing. You are going to hurt more people then you would ever want to and in the end you will only have your self to blame.

    Cheating on your own heart will never bring you any where near the happiness of being in a wonderful relationship. It's not even a replacemnt. you would better serve yourslef in fixing  up the relationship you are in. Try doing something nice and unexpected and stay away from afairs...

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