
Is having failing for 3 years bad?

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i am 13 in the 7th grade but ive been failing school since 2005 i havent passed a class since i was in 4th grade fights,do bad in class,not doing work and not paying attention to the teachers and this year i failed two marking periods the only class i passed was english with a 65 so does this hurt my permanent record cause i want to be a future mlb player in the future im doing very good now actually im doing excellent i promised myself i wont fail again




  1. In order to be elgible to play baseball in highschool you will need to have passing grades.  If you are not playing anywhere, scouts will not see you.  If scouts can not see you they will not be impressed and offer you college scholarships.  If you don't get scholarships you will have to pay alot for college and hope to walk on to a team.  All of this can be avoided by being a good student, focusing and trying to get good grades.  

    Look further into it.  Why are you causing fights and not paying attention in class?  Is something else bothering you?  Try to figure it out, talk to an adult you trust and ask them to be your mentor to help guide to try to do what is right.  If you are sincere they will probably want to help you.

  2. Keep working hard and realize that mlb players have educations.  Education will make you succeed in life.  Don't let yourself fail again, and keep your head up.  I also tell my children who want to play professional sports to have a back up plan.  A career path that doesn't include playing professional sports...  such as broadcasting or journalism.  You are only in 7th grade and you are lucky you have time to turn yourself around.  Many kids don't realize that they have made educational mistakes until it is too late.  You are smart and can change your path early enough that you can still finish school with honors....  Good for you!!!

  3. The key to successful learning is believing in yourself. No matter what you want to learn, if you believe you can learn it and believe that you will do well, you give yourself a head start. Learning tends to get a LOT easier!

    Don't believe what other people tell you about yourself. Your grades are simply a tool the school uses to manage the student population and to help them do their job, which is to educate you. Consider them as a guide for them, rather than as a judgment on who you are or what you can really do.

    As you said yourself, you are doing better already because you don't want to fail. Motivation is all important when it comes to learning. Finding that motivation within yourself makes it much easier to succeed.

    Throughout life we have to do things we don't want to do in order to be able to do the things we want to... Our job is to sift through what is really necessary to do and then concentrate on those things.

    I also find that concentrating on succeeding one thing at a time really helps. Parents and schools want children to be the best they can be at everything. That puts a lot of pressure on teenagers. A better way is to encourage young people to do the best they can, realising that some things are going to be much harder than others. When we excel at one thing our self-esteem and confidence improves and that helps us to be more motivated with everything we do.

    Build on your success with English slowly and surely. Set yourself achievable targets. Don't buy into the whole 'failing' scenario. Even though it's important, school isn't everything. We learn throughout our lives. I'm convinced that you are going to do well at whatever it is you really want to do.

    all the best

    Beverley Paine

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