
Is having freedom of speech worth putting up with anything and everything that can be said?

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I think it its... I think freedom of speech is highly important. Anybody should be able to say what they want to at anytime. That's why I'm so against this idea of "tolerance." Eventually, if things are labeled as "hate speech" you won't be able to say that anymore. Then more and more limitations will be put upon us. While I don't think it's right to be unnecessarily rude to people, I think we need the right to be, if we choose.

So, is being called bad things, or hearing others being called bad things enough trauma in your life to want to end free speech?




  1. I believe everyone should be polite to each other, while not silencing free speech. If everyone was intolerant, and go about doing and saying whatever they want, dont you think eventually the society is going to "break down"? If one says negative things to others, the person will lose respect and trust, and society will crumble if everyone think like that.

    You can express your unwelcomed feelings, but is that really necessary? You sound like freedom of speech is nothing more than hate speech. Be aware that whatever you spew, can hurt others for unnecessary reasons.

    Im not saying we should all be "sheeples", i just think free speech that doesnt have authority to do anything except cause nuisance is irrelevant & pathetic. I think those should not be promoted/supported.

  2. Not for me.

    So what if someone says something bad? Their opinions are no more important to me than my own. As a matter of fact, some of those people's opinions are downright worthless.

    In this country no one has ever experienced what it must be like to NOT have free speech. I'm sure it is very oppressive and awful.

    We are lucky to have it.

  3. Far too many people have always seen the First Amendment as the right of the people to agree with them and have mixed feelings about people in disagreement.

    Freedom of speech, which reflects freedom of thought, cannot, in a free society, be restricted.

  4. If we were to end free speech this country would go to flames. Listen, you have to tolerate idiots if you want to be capable of expressing yourself. Just because their ways of thinking is less superior to yours does not make it okay for them to not have a voice. I come from a town where free speech isn't even tolerated and you can get arrested for even questioning the government. I moved and I was appalled at what was allowed here. Did I mention there were hundreds of riots in the streets every year in my old town? Yes, Free Speech balances out the nature of our world but the way the government is operating it's almost no time before we have our rights as Americans taken away from us. As we get taxed over 50% and people like Alex Jones get arrested for asking questions, we can only hope for a soon revolution before this country goes to smokes.

    Thank you for listening.

  5. I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ~ Voltaire

  6. I agree. As long as what is said is the truth, there should be no other abridgment. Being "socially correct" is not freedom, it is constraint to freedom. Whatever I might truthfully say is just words and you have the same right. No word or group of words should anger a person.

    Respect is not a right, it is a privilege to be earned. In many cases, the privilege of respect is obvious. Age, position, authority and courtesy. I also believe that all citizens should be courteous to each other. Only when they demonstrate that courtesy no longer applies should other forms of respect be demanded if applicable, otherwise, say whatever you wish.

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