
Is having s*x with a 16 year old girl legal in india?

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shes 16 and few months old, i am 21.

she kept her desire in front of me, i accepted. But i am not going to marry her, i mentioned it clearly. Now we have decided to have s*x after few days. I just wanna confirm that is it illegal to have s*x with a 16 year old girl?

i am not forcing her, its her will. and what precautions shall i take?




  1. Yes it is illegal,what r u thinking*

  2. Buddy, having s*x with a 16 year old girl????  I think the age is 18 in bharat, and here it's 18 (in the U.S.) as well.  Just don't get her pregnant, otherwise, you could be in jail for rape charges.  Take a look at statutory laws in India.

  3. Not smart at all.  Find someone your own age.

  4. Yes it is illegal.  It doesnt matter if both of you agree that you want to.  You are five years older than her and that qualifies as statutory rape, even if you both want it!  So, if anyone finds out, you both could be in a lot of trouble, and it will end with you in jail.

  5. I am calling the police right now! Jail will be your new home.

  6. well u ahve to use really good condoums cuz u dont wanna get her pregnant, and i dont think its legal anywhere cuz like if she wanna get revenge from u she can just say that u forced her and than it wouldnt be legal

  7. 16!? Dude, you're 5 years older than her- that's just ****** up man. But whatever, it's not my business, I just hope you can make better decisions in the future.

    And sorry for the naivety, but I thought India was supposed to be an extremely conservative society?

  8. Honestly, I don't know. But that is a question you need to ask yourself fist, Is she worth going to jail for? Cause that could be a serious crime. Not only having s*x with someone that is 16, but with having s*x with another countries minor. I would not even think about it. And maybe if you are looking for just a sexual relationship, check out myspace or place an ad in a paper. But if you know this girl and you really like her, then WAIT. For your sake and hers. Cause if she "loves" you and it is a crime and you are put away, that is hurting her. If you "love" her then explain to her that it is best to wait it out.

    Now a possible way arround this would be to marry her and she can be a "legal adult" then you are all on your own with her.

  9. I seriously don't think that you want to marry this girl. Don't get yourself into extremely grave trouble. The folk over there will do all kinds of torture to you for doing this. Even if they find out about your doing it AFTER you have done it. I hope and pray that I have responded to you in a timely fashion. Many of the folk in different caste systems don't believe in waiting to place you in the court system. They will torture you and when they are through, they will kill you. Is this an action you really want to contemplate? What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. I wish you God's continued peace.

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