
Is having twins going to be very stressful?

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I'm due with twins very soon and many people after telling them I'm having twins tell me it's going to be extremly difficult. Obviously, it will be stressful, I'm not saying it won't, but people seem to think it's going to be incredibly difficult for me to handle. This is causing me some concern as I already have a 5 year old son; I still want to be able to spend lots of time playing with him. Mothers of twins, or 2+ babies, did you find it dificult to cope?




  1. Yes. But really only for the first two years. Having them minutes apart was probably easier than having them a year or two apart. After the first two years, they entertained each other and always had a playmate.

    They are now 33 and have always been best friends, almost two halves of the same person. In fact, they get their memories mixed up, not knowing what happened to whom. They live 500 miles apart but see each other every month or two, now with a kid each in tow.

    The best advice I had from another mother of twins was to let the housework go. Concentrate on the babies or you'll be overwhelmed.

  2. Yes, it's hard.

    yes, you'll survive.

    get support where you can.  don't be afraid to go out with them - it can be hard, but can save your sanity and they'll love it.  take breaks when you can and remind yourself always that this is all temporary and will pass...  even when it doesn't feel like it.  find other twin parents in your area or on line to talk to but don't let people tell you that their way is the only way to handle twins.

    the rest of the time, enjoy those babies!  love them, hug them, know how special all three of your kids are...   it's beautiful to watch them move over in their sleep to touch each other.  it's SO much fun to watch twins interact with each other and learn to play with one anohter.  


  3. You learn to cope. It takes time and patience to get in a routine, but it's worth it. I don't find child raising stressful. I have a job and Husband to stress me out, my kids may be difficult at time, but they aren't stressful.

    I have 5 boys under 5yo, and I do fine. I have a few more grey hairs, but we take each day as it comes.

  4. I have friends who are on both sides of the coin.  One had to keep her boys in check all the time because they where always into something - the other loved their boys and thought it was a double blessing.  Guess it's the frame of mind you're in about your kids.

  5. I'm sure you'll be just fine.  Your 5 year old will be able to help you out a lot and it will make him feel good too.  He can bring you diapers, wipes, etc and even help you feed them.  Twins are twice the work, but not as hard as people make it sound.  Good luck!

  6. My one and only pregnancy was with twins. I didn't know any better so it was normal. It may be harder for you, since you've been through this with only one baby. Have lots of help. No one comes over unless they are prepared to help.

  7. it's hard work but it'll be worth it

  8. My daughter and son were 20 months (to the day) apart.  It was VERY frustrating at first.  Since my daughter was less than 2 she really didn't understand too much of what was going on.  Until your babies start sleeping at night its going to be h**l.  I'm going to be honest.  Around the time my son turned 3-4 months things were much better.  I was getting more rest and able to handle the two of them together.  

    Now my oldest is 41 months (nearly 4!!) and my youngest will be 2 next month.  Things are still difficult having them close in age like that, but in different ways.  Now its stressful taking them out in public.  Like forget food shopping, that is out of the question.  I can handle one, but 2 is disasterous.  Restaurants are out of the question as they are both picky eaters and do not understand the concept of indoor voices.

    Maybe your 5 year old can become "Mommy's special helper".  He can help you with the babies, or do small things around the house while you are trying to get back on your feet.  

    It is stressful, but don't freak out too much.  Try to enjoy the time with your kids as they are young, they grow up so fast!

  9. Have confidence in yourself and you'll be fine- Dont worry about what others tell you. No 2 kids ar the same & no 2 parents are the same. Everyone has thier own definition of hectic & stressful.

    Sure- theres going to be sleepless nights, sick kids, dishes left uncleaned and laundry piling up- but youll learn to adjust just like every other parent has. HOWEVER, if you doubt yourself, its gonna be stressful because your gonna expect more than you are capable of giving!

    Good luck with those babies, momma- everything will be fine!

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