
Is having yellow sperm bad?

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Am 15 and have masterbaited 3 times

and the third time i did my s***n was yellow and i heard that thats bad somone plz help me ive been freaking out for a few days now and i cant even sleep please help somone...




  1. no...

    its normal

  2. thats normal, it's probably a mixture of sperm and urine  

  3. Your s***n (which your ejaculate) is a combination of two things. Seminal fluid... (clear/white liquid), and sperm (the little guys that swim around. These guys are actually yellow.) .. Some men encouter times when they have yellow clumps in their s***n.. (after not ejaculating for a while).. This is the little spermies. It can have a gel-like texture.

    If you're having a yellow pigmentation to your whole ejaculant. This is usually caused by excess riboflavin in your body... (aka vitamin b2).

    If you are experiencing both yellow s***n and painful ejaculation then you likely have chlamydia. This will cause inflammation of your urinary pipe and from the tube connecting your testicles to your prostate gland---in some men resulting in yellow s***n. (apparently gonorrhea can cause this too, but I have never read the medical journals to back this claim up.) Just drink plenty of water.

  4. s***n color can vary with each ejaculation

    especially at age 15

    no need to worry

  5. no, its okay

    s***n is usually white or grey, but can occasionally appear yellowish.

    Pink or red s***n suggests that blood is present.

  6. its normal and it might be cauzed by what you are eating soooooo dont worry

  7. This average color of the way sperm looks.  

  8. it's normal.

  9. No, it's not bad except your children will be Chinese.

  10. If you dont have a fever then its probably not anything serious and more than likely caused by what your eating and drinking... energy drinks, pop, juice, junkfood.

  11. nah, that's the average color for someone in your age range. as you get older the color will become a white opaque color.  your diet will also play a part in the different colors.

  12. s***n is not usually white, as white as new-fallen snow, it's generally a more ivory color, a little yellowish, and can vary in color and texture, ranging from watery and thin to lumpy and clumpy and viscous.

    Sometimes your s***n is thick, sometimes watery.   It doesn't sound like you have a problem at all.     Most guys m********e daily, and there isn't any harm in it.    It keeps the prostate healthy, reduces sexual tension, and can actually help you to learn your body's response to sexual stimulation so that you can learn the signs of an impending o****m, to slow or stop and control your body so that you don't ejaculate prematurely during s*x, allowing your future sexual partner(s) to achieve greater pleasure in s*x.

    Enjoy yourself and relax.

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