
Is he as big as a horse?

by Guest59784  |  earlier

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my boyfriend has a very large p***s, we recently looked how to measure it and he was easily 10 inches, what is the average length of a horses's p***s?




  1. way bigger than that!

  2. Maybe as big as a shetland pony.  Not even close to the size of a horse.  Sorry.

  3. not even

  4. To answer your question

    (Here it is straight from the horses mouth)

    Sorry I couldn't help myself.

    No really it's from good ol'e wiki:


    Main article: Stallion (horse)

    the p***s, within the prepuce, also known as the "sheath." When not erect, the p***s is housed within the prepuce, 50 cm long and 2.5 to 6 cm in diameter with the distal end 15 to 20 cm.

    When erect, the p***s doubles in length and thickness and the glans increases by 3 to 4 times. The urethra opens within the urethral fossa, a small pouch at the distal end of the glans.

    ADD: I just went to look up how many inches 20 cm is  -8 inches??? Is that right??? 8 inches = 20. cm????? For some reason i thought it was going to be more. Oh wait then when it's erect it would be 3 to 4 more times bigger... Ok

    So now we are talking 24 to 32 inches, Holy Sha-moley

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