my boyfriend acts wired sometimes, when i've tried to dump him before he says he won't leave, more then once he's stripped me naked and thrown me out, or he says that I have to leave and never come back, and it's MY apartment! sometimes he gets angry and gets in my face and starts grabbing me and shaking me, which i see as an assault and push/shove/hit him back, he chokes me, and once kicked me so hard in the back that i couldn't move the next day, but then when i make him bleed he makes me feel bad. he's hardly ever home And is hanging out with his ex-girlfriend, more then once i've woken up to see my wallet empty, he takes my credit cards like they're his and buys whatever he wants, and gets super pissed when i protest, which makes me a shamed for caring about money like that. he also has no problem yelling at me in public or in front of his family members, and once punched me in the stomach when i was pregnant, he missed and hit my ribs, but most times he's nice but hardly there, what's his problem? i'm pregnant and tired of his c**p, but am scared and is it really abuse if it only happens once in a blue moon?