
Is he being honest or just playing games?

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you want a relationship, just not the added arguments that come with it.

you promise t your exgirlfriend you want to marry her and that no one else is meeting your mother , etc. it's just that right now with your debt, low paying job, and still staying at home cannot deal with the extra stress from you and her arguing all the time. you also promise its not another female, you only hang with your guy friends.

what is my exboyfriend really saying to me?? should i worry about if he's with another girl, or is he being honest with me?




  1. this is true.but for me.its the small arguments that help your relationship get to know there weakness.there strengths.and what makes them mad,sad or learn something every time you involve yourself with someone of the opposite s*x.

  2. PLAYIN GAMES. Finding excuses to get away with treating you like that, i say leave him.  

  3. he is s******g around get out!!

  4. He's being honest. I'm almost 100% sure but then again I might be wrong. I'm just good with this kinda stuff.

  5. If he's your EX-boyfriend you've got no claims and he doesn't have to tell you anything.

    If he's with another girl, it's none of your business.

    If he's got a low paying job, it's none of your business.

    If he's in debt. It's none of your business.

    Do you detect a trend here.

    He's your ex. Leave him alone.

  6. I was in a similar situation.  I was working full time and finishing college.  my girlfriend wanted to get married.  I kept telling her I want a job better than $11 an hour and I want to finish school before I get married.  One day we were out to dinner and she told me that she loves me and there is nobody else in the world for her.  she wanted to marry me but more so she wanted to be engaged and could wait for a wedding. To me that seemed reasonable and I did want to be with her. I got what little cash I had and bought a diamond ring.  We set a date 2 years away and in that time I finished school and got a better job.  My problem was when I heard marriage I though it meant we had to do it right away.  Once I found out we could commit to each other and I could still have a barrier to time to get my life together I waas comfortable enought ot propose.  Try talking to him.

  7. He is your ex boyfriend.  He is saying he doesn't want a relationship right now.  Listen to that and move on.  

  8. I don't understand if he is your exboyfriend why do you care?

  9. Plain and simple, if he's your EX-Boyfriend, he should not be your business in any sense and vice versa. Good luck!

  10. if i said all that i woudl be honest and mean it all and say hes telling the truth

  11. One of two things:  either he has his head screwed on straight and doesn't want your financial woes to be his financial woes or he's looking for any excuse to get rid of you.

    I've been fiscally conservative since I started mowing lawns at 13.  I made sure I married a gal who shared in my attitude concerning fiscal responsibility.

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