
Is he built like a halter horse?

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I have been leasing and showing Chipper for the summer and we have done fairly well. We have placed in almost every halter class we have entered. There was one show were we didn't do very well and I asked the judge for his opinion and he said Chipper isn't big enough to be a halter horse and that he is more of a riding horse. He is only two and has beat much bigger and more experienced horses. I was wondering if maybe that was just that judges opinion or if anyone else agrees.

The first picture is the most recent. In the last picture I hadn't started riding him yet.




  1. Although I noticed things about him that were not in his favor, that was just the judges opinion. He is a very beautiful horse, and he'll mature some. Good luck.

  2. Unfortunately, I  agree with the judge.  He is well built but halter horses have big blocky butts, tons of muscle, short necks, and tiny heads.  If I had to pick a class for him based only on these pictures, I'd say Western Please, Trail, or Equitation.

    These are some examples of what I think of as halter horses.

    If you were to feed and work him with the intention of bulking up, he would take on more of the halter appearance.  Lots of walking, collection work, and some small jumps would help build his rump and shoulder and thicken his neck.

  3. Chipper is a nice looking horse no doubt about it. He's very nicely built (aside the hock problem). He isn't very well muscled though as much as the halter quarter horses are. He also has a bit of an ewe neck, but that can improve once he gets older. He is only 2 and still has a lot of growing to do. He will mature much more in the next years.

    As for now, just take it easy. Overfeeding him can cause growing problems and such. I've purchases a 3 year old state halter champion from an auction before who was 14 hands. I was thinking he would mature but never did because he was overfed at a young age.

    Chipper is a great looking horse and it's just the judges opinion. If you enjoy showing in halter, don't let that stop you (:

  4. i would say...he needs to fill out. mature more!

    some jjudges can be piky about that colr in the face. the speckled.

    also his rump is a little sloped down.

    hes very nice looking. keep at it

    when you enter a halter class your paying for that judges opinon. You cant please all unfortunatley :/  

  5. He's a beautiful horse!! I'm no expert in halter, but I was under the impression that halter horses are gigantic chunks of horses, and your horse is very sleek and toned. That may be why that judge said that?

  6. Hi Raven:  You have a nice horse...a little light in build/muscle and stands out behind,  for a classic halter horse (breed wise, APPY) but a nice'll have fun with him in open halter classes....way back when, a great halter horse was an all arounder, you led him, for your halter classes and showed them in the afternoons, WP, EP, trail, western and english eq, western riding, tie down roping and team roping.    AQHA horses are much more specialized now, particularly in differences in build between halter and rail horses(EP and WP), and working roping horses, cow horses, etc.

    (The above link is to one of my favorite AQHA halter studs, "JMK Malibu Ken").   This stud is all bulk but does carry refinement.....

    Here's an appy stud carrying'll find many appys have been crossed out on AQHA for additional refinement and muscling....

    You'll see that this stallion carries a big forearm, gaskin and is deep in his hip......

    Remember, that when you try to show halter and also ride in your classes your saddle will act like a sweat and draw "bloom", weight,  away from your horses withers and off his back....judges want to see very few "angles" on their choice of winners ...they want the corners on a horse rounded off.  (flesh).

    Here's one of our "riders"(doesn't show at halter)...."Hotroddin' Zippo"

    Longer, stretchier muscling......

  7. My opinion is this:  If you are looking at breed shows, then no, he isn't a halter horse.  They want those horses to be so muscled and chunky that they can hardly wiggle.  Your guy has an over all nice balance to him, and seems to be built reasonably well, so in open shows I think he should do generally well.  If you want to be a riding competitor then I wouldn't try to chunk him up, I would still show halter, and if the judge likes him great, and if not, just know that you're paying for one opinion on one day.  

  8. of course that was that judge's opinion! his hocks stick out far too back though. everything else seems fine.  

  9. I've had a major problem with AQHA halter horse standards for years....form to function still may be eluding the AQHA halter judges.  I would need to know what the judge meant by "big" in that comment.  Height?  Bulk?  Bone?  Do you know?  Your horse looks functional to me, although he is smaller boned for his frame than is ideal.  Bulking him up won't do his legs any favors.  I would hate to see this horse put on more weight...he's fine as is, and his joints are not mature so excess weight could affect them permanently.

    Add...I know it wasn't an AQHA judge...but the standards are set by them.

  10. for the record your horse is very pretty. i have a quarter that is a red roan, when i went to clinic the judge that was there told me that i needed to build my horses butt up b/c it didn't match her body. but i think your horse looks fine and really well for being youg. that judge of yours was right to a degree. halter horses are supposed to be bigger, with more muscle and more tone. but i think that was just his opinion since you have place well in other classes.  

  11. A judges opinion is just that, that judges opinion.  That is why is some shows where there are multiple judges, they show how each judge judged the class and then the majority would receive the higher placement.

    Chipper is a very nice horse..and groomed to a "T"!!  The one thing that sticks out to be is his goose rump and weak looking hindquarters.  Lack of steroidy looking pumped up muscles. I'm sure being that he is only two, he will muscle up more and perhaps there are some "workouts" that you can do with him to help him along.

    But overall he is a beauty and looks very mature for a two year old.  Don't let one judge discourage you.  That is why at some shows there are more than one judge.  Color, type, who knows what else is in a judges mind to score as they score.

    Good Luck to you!!

  12. he looks really good except for his legs. they need to have more muscle on them for him to be a halter horse. i have a horse that has small legs like yours and she placed third in a district show, but didn't even place at state, and the judge said that she need to have more muscle on her, which is the same for your horse. sorry but it is the truth.

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