
Is he cheap or is it just me? What should I do?

by Guest59914  |  earlier

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I recently met this guy about a month ago and we've only gone out a couple of times but he's never offered to pay for me. The other night we went to a bar and he didn't offer to buy me a drink which is something I'm not used to. I know he's paying child support and he just had surgery on his knee so maybe he's in a tough financial situation right now. I don't know what to do though cause I've never dated someone like this before. What do you think? Is he cheap or not? Should I stop talking to him or give it time? Thanx for your help!




  1. Do him a favor and break up with him. No one deserves a gold-digging freeloader as a girlfriend. Find someone with lots of cash - you'll grow to love them in time, I'm sure.

  2. Theoretically he is cheap but it depends on his situation as well. Need more info

    pls answer;...

  3. are you paying for him or are you guys just splitting all the outings.....maybe hes not cheap maybe he just thinks you guys are still at the friend level and he shouldn't have to pay for everything  

  4. hes obviosuly given alot to women, and told himself never again

    if u cant live by taking care of yerself, then leave

    but he isnt gonna give u $

    just his time

  5. Hes cheap he could at least pay for one drink come on go get someone else then maybe h**l learn how to treat a person

  6. hes not cheap, he's paying child support  AND sergury

  7. He may be cheap or rude. Most guys know bar etiquette lol! You take a lady to a bar or ask her to meet you at one then you offer to buy her a drink...Just say politely that you want to drink but you are not sure about how much they cost next time...if he says "its on me" then keep him around...if he ask the bartender for a detailed list and hands it to you then move on if your looking for a guy that can handle you.  

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