
Is he cheating or am I being paranoid?

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Recently I have condoms in my husband's car. He said they belong to someone else. I found a paid bill with another's woman name one it. She gave him the money to pay. Personal phone messages on his voice mail giving details on when a certain woman will be in town. He says it's business. Am I paranoid or is he a cheat?




  1. Unfortunately it is pointing in that direction.  And I am wondering if he is actually wanting you to find him out because of all the things you have found, particularly the condoms.  I would think that if you are cheating then you would do everything in your power to not get found out, but leaving condoms in your car is far from that.  You do need to think about what you will do and how to approach this situation though, because if you just act quickly and without thinking about the future then you may do something that you don't really want to, so think about yourself and how it will affect you and your family if there are children involved.  Take care and lots of luck.  

  2. yes sweetheart he's cheating

  3. Hes cheating.

  4. There is no doubt that you have a cheating husband.

  5. Think about what you found in the car and go from there. You need to have a sit down with your husband then wait for the other shoe to fall  before you're certain he's telling the truth. But if you're not ready to leave him then leave it alone. Because believe me if you keep looking you're gonna find something.

  6. hes a cheaterrrrrr

  7. don't be stupid! u know he's cheating!!!!

  8. Yes, he is cheating. Period.

  9. Sorry to say he's cheating ...and I think you know it too - you just don't want to believe it. THe condoms in the car alone would make me think he's cheating, unless you two have s*x in the car with them??? The messages, the bill..they just all add fuel to the fire. His having the nerve to say it's just business leads me to think that he feels you're pretty trusting & naive. Even though his guard will be up now it should be fairly easy to catch him. The real question is do you really want to know for sure? And if you do find out, what do you want to do about it? Before you take this to the next level you need to think about the fallout you'll be facing. IF you think you're better off without him than with him, then keep after him,get your proof. BUT if you think you'll stay with him anyways, at least see a doctor to protect yourself from std's and a counselor to protect your sanity... maybe even a lawyer to protect yourself legally & financially. Good luck!

  10. Woman in town for business, acceptable excuse.

    Condom in his car? Did he have any best friend will love to leave condom in his car?? No, they will put it in their car or their home, why will be his car, unacceptable.

    Paid bill and she give him money to pay. Why? She is too busy, he is too nice? OK, ask him bring the woman home and treat her a dinner. During the dinner, act very sweet with husband to see how she react. If she jealous, it is problem. If he refuse to invite her, it is a problem.

  11. Cheater. Check urself for STD's woman, even with condoms an infection couldn't have slipped in


  13. If it was me I would be paranoid too.

  14. I don't think you are being paranoid!  Why would your husband have someone else's condoms?  I would ask myself what business would leave message on personal voice mail.  The condoms alone would bother me - It reminds me of a friend of mine who found 6 condoms in her sons wallet. He said they were a joke by a lot of guy friends because he was a virgin. Turns out they were her sons.  Not trying to scare you but if my husband suddenly had condoms in car I would definitely need answers. Who's are they?? If they are someone else's why does he have them - is this person cheating? Is your husband helping?  Sorry - I think you have reason to question.

  15. Ever hear of Woman's Intuition?  If you think it it's true.

    Most of the time.

  16. he sounds like a cheater.

  17. He's a cheater............

  18. Unfortunately, you do not seem paranoid.

  19. i would definitely say he's cheating. the condoms in the car just says it all. i would doubt that anybody would leave their condoms in his car. its the easiest way to respond when asked.

  20. He is cheating.  

  21. Confront him. Tell him straight up, that you are fed

    up with all this bullsh** and you want an answer a

    REAL answer as to why you are finding these items.

    They obviously sound a little sketchy and I would

    totally be paranoid as well. If he is cheating leave

    him, you don't deserve someone who isn't going

    to respect you and be man enough to tell you the

    truth. Best of luck

  22. I don't think you're paranoid, something fishy is definitely going on.

  23. CHEATER !!! no way else to put it.

  24. Sounds like a cheater. Who would just leave condoms in someone else's car? Is the woman on the phone messages the same as on the paid bill?

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