I've been dating my bf for 5 years, we are in our 2nd house together. Last year he wanted to get engaged, I wasn't ready - so he wouldn't propose on our vacation (and make it odd) - and I would say NO, I told him that I wasn't ready and please don't ask. He ended up returning the ring. This has caused a lot of problems with us. I've been in counseling for over a year and a half about this. I am ready to get engaged, but now he is not, he said I hurt him too much.....(I don't regret telling him not to ask).....now things are fishy - he has a new job, works late, keeps blackberry in car, locks i-phone with password, distances himself, he exhibits like 6 of the 7 signs of cheating from true.com.....I confronted him, he has reasons for everything, some good, some could be excuses. He said he did not cheat, he has no one else, no emotional affairs, no crushes, a small part of my gut tells me he is either lying or is doing this intentionally to get back at me for telling him not to propose last year, (this would be his second marriage, my first) - it is hard for him to want to marry me again - he said because he failed at his first marriage and when he was ready to propose I wasn't. HELP>>>>are these signs of cheating?? or is he just hurt??? what do we need to do to fix it???(we are in counselling, but with his "working late" he can never schedule an appt - or should we break up. I love him and I am ready to move on with the relationship. However, I won't stand for cheating and if I have to leave, I will.....