
Is he cheating??HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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He doesnt show me that much attention anymore. he never wants to love and cuddle like he used to. and now he says he wants to try the whole celibiacy thing. PLEASE HELP!




  1. You need to ask him outright if he's cheating. Maybe he did cheat and he caught an STD so now he wants to stay celibate so you don't catch anything. Or he's seeing someone now and doesn't need you. Point is, you need to ask him to be honest with you about the situation.

  2. tell him you have needs and you dont agree on the whole celibiacy thing. talk to him about what you are feeling. its possible he is getting it from somewhere else or he just wants space or something. you can ask if there is someone else and be upfront with him and maybe you may get your answer and figure it out after that whether you stay with him or not.  

  3. If this is just a BF then you may wish to move on and provide some space for both of you.

    If this is a spouse, then I would seek counseling.

  4. a married man wants celibacy?!?!?

    oh yeah there's definitely something wrong there...and you better find out sooon!

  5. I would say no..until you tossed in the celibacy thing. That's odd. Something is up. Here are my guesses.

    1. He is having an affair

    2. He has starting like guys better then women.

    3. He is not attracted to you any more. (Did you gain a lot of weight?)

    4. He is depressed.

    All are not good. I am going with # 1, maybe # 3.

  6. Are you still physically attractive to him. I'm not being a jerk but if you are not visually appealing to him it might cause this problem. However, don't think that's the only reason. You have sighted things on a beware of cheating check list that just maybe indications of infidelity.

    Why not just ask and see what type of reaction to the question you get. Observe his actions for a while and determine what the next steps are.

  7. Maybe cheating, but he could just be resentful and completely unsatisfied with your s*x life.

  8. the magic is gone. you better get out of the relationship, hopefully he is only your boyfriend.  

  9. You do not need to even ask. He's a cheat and is getting love  elsewhere. A married man asking for celibacy? WTF...

  10. He doesn't sound like he's worth it to me,  you deserve better than that.  Ask him straight out, you might be able to tell if he's cheating with how to reacts to the question.  

  11. Cut him off. He is acting weird.

    Men not wanting s*x is vedy vedy strange indeed.

  12. From the sound of it.......  He has a problem "Downstairs" and may be to embarrased to share it with you.xx

  13. Yes, he is getting nookie elsewhere

  14. You need to talk to him and ask him why exactly his behavior has changed so drastically. Tell him you need him to be open and honest, and ask him what exactly he wants out of your relationship. Let him know that you're feeling neglected- you need reassuring that he still loves and desires you and you deserve to know the truth about what he's feeling and thinking. Good luck!

  15. There definitely has to be some thing going on . For a married man to say he wants celibacy , he has to be getting it some where else .

    I would try and confront him head on about this . Just ask him " are you cheating " ?  His body language will tell you if he is being honest in his answer . Such as if he can't sit or stand still , can't look you in the eyes , answer your question with a question , ect .

    If you really feel that he might be cheating , follow him and see what he's up to .

    Best wishes

  16. He is either getting it somewhere else or he is g*y.You need to talk to him and let him know how you feel and decide if it is best for the two of you to work it out or  go your separate ways.

  17. s*x with the GF. Celibate with you.

  18. i really think he is cheating sweetie!

  19. how long have you guys been tougher .

  20. He's either cheating, or someone has stolen his balls and turned him into a prudish woman.  Wants to try celibacy?  What is he a monk?  This is ridiculous.  Ever heard of a normal guy deciding for no reason to give up s*x?  It is possible, I guess that he's a closet homosexual.  And just wants to give up s*x with women.

  21. I can't see the entire picture with this much info., but I would certainly suspect he's cheating. If you guys are married, trying the celibacy thing is just an obvious sign, but if he's your boyfriend, then it's not too uncommon. Maybe he got religious all of the sudden.

    Why don't you just ask him straight out or try to find out things on your own?
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