
Is he cute? The majority of my friends don't think he is...?

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Don't say he looks like Shaant from Cute Is What We Aim For in the first picture, I understand that.




  1. FUGLY! Omg what's possesed you to make you think he's cute?

  2. He looks like an ugly version of Suzanne Vega (in picture on wall to left of fugly bloke)...

    What is with the hair and the daft pout? Amazed the picture went on here...

  3. who cares if he is cute or not? if you like him then that is what really matters, you are the one who is going to kiss that grandpa  face j/k.

  4. its his personality that counts and what how he treats you.

    what is with all the nasty answers? seriously. hes not as ugly as all your people think and the person who called him an ugly emo f*g should grow up you nasty littlle brat.

    he reminds me of my bf:


  5. He is ok, but the guy in the green shirt is kinda cute. haha.

  6. nope i dont think hes cute

    but i like the way he dresses

    im usually attracted to guys who dress like that

    but anyway nope hes not really cute

  7. do you really think it matters what your friends think of him?  isnt whats really important what you think of him?  and if all you are thinking about is looks then you are doomed.  what about how he would treat you and is that how you want yourself to be treated?  your not ready to be dating if all you care about is what you friends think.

  8. holy c**p, I feel the same way! because I am absoloutly smitten over this one guy! & my best friend said "he's ugly!" which really hurt my feelings. & I can not believe that my best friend said he was ugly because I think he is hott.

    but I don't care what she says, because I like who I like, it's not like she is going to date him.

    personally though, I wouldn't go for your guy.

    & i bet there are some good aspects about him, eyes, smile, etc.

  9. xD., he's kinda cute on the second photo.xD

  10. lol majority of people like him are emo skaters. no offence but if u like him go for it. dont care what other ppl say.

  11. he needs some color

    a haircut, a new hairstyle and

    thicker lips.

  12. Well in the first picture no I don't think he is cute, in the second picture he looks better but he is still not the cutest person I have ever seen, I also think he needs a haircut/hairstyle. Why is it a big deal if your friends don't think hes cute, so what maybe they just have different taste in boys then you do!!

  13. Well I don't think he's ugly.

    I mean he's not Brad Pitt by no means.

    Follow your heart. That's all that matters in the end.

  14. HAHAHA not to be mean but d**n and im sure im not the only one well good if u like hm he might ne all personality lol

  15. ugh!! He looks so d**n g*y! gross little emo f***t

  16. holy shiznit you're right.

    He totally does look like him.

    Anyways, yeah! He's pretty cute in the second photo.


  17. in the first pic..not so cute.

    but second..ooohh sexxi sexii guyy. XD

  18. Surely he is a happy Guy. If he has good personality too then enjoy your relationship.

    That girls realize that boys look for girl based on their face, so many of them starts behaving the same in looking for boys :)

  19. I look a little like that, so hes obviously attractive, haha

    He's not ugly.

  20. He should get a haircut: Guys Point Of View

  21. Well he's not really my type. And he's not your friends type either. But he is yours!

    So if you like him then who cares what others think? Aslong as you're happy with him. He probably has a great personality anywayz  and that's what really counts =).  

  22. I think he is very good looking, and he looks as if he's got alot of things going for him. You know, he looks "interesting".

    Could it be your friends are jealous of him because they want you to themselves? I'd bet at least one of your friends is secretly wishing she were you!

    Anyway, guys are important and so are friends. Can't you find the middle? I mean, why should you give up on either one? When someone says something you disagree with, you don't have to dismiss the person, just dismiss the statement, its okay to disagree. Good luck with the guy. Really, he looks like a winner!!!

  23. Grooosss. He looks like a complete tool. Seriously, why do people let their hair look that way. Do they think it's attractive? I'm sad for you. I really am.

  24. Are the two pics the same guy?  The first pic is scary.  The second pic is not bad.

  25. everyone is cute in their own way but sometimes it matters just whats in the inside.. to me i dont think so but to others they might think different..

  26. Hey, all that matters is what YOU think of him, not people in internet-land (who only say rude things because they're hiding behind a computer screen) or even your friends. Spending your life wondering what other people think about your preferences is seriously such a waste of time. Also, your friends are incredibly shallow. I'd be done with them, too.

  27. it's better that ur friends don't think he's hot, u get the benefit of being with someone u  think is gorgeous, and also the safe in the fact that none of ur friends will try anything on him...

  28. ew that thing is so nasty

  29. no but the guy in the second pick in the dark green shirt well that's is a different story...

  30. ugliest person on plantet human

  31. he's cute enuff to be considered cute if he has a good personality .. basicalli das wut matters .. his personality and hu cares if ure frends thing hes fugli .. fugli ppl need love to :(  

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