
Is he flirting or just being friendly??

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What are clear cut signs that a guy is just being friendly or flirting? A lot of times being nice and flirting look the same to me!




  1. all guys flirt and friendly when it comes down to females

  2. That's really hard to answer.  People are extremely hard to read.   Sometimes, it's much better to ask them straight away before things can get out of hand.  However, if you act friendly towards them, maybe you'll be able to start an actual relationship and that way, you may understand them a little better. Hope this helps.

  3. I think there are different types of flirting. Most people flirt and most people are really intending to be harmless and just friendly. What constitutes flirting can vary among different people. The main difference is the "intent" of the flirting. Flirting with the intent to develop a relationship is usually progressive and escalates, where flirting to just be friendly really doesn't- it stays consistent. When someone is interested in you and wants to take things further, they use flirting to "test the waters". They look to see if you respond positively to each thing they do. So, if they touch your hand while talking to you and you don't pull away, they might next time see if you reciprocate by touching their hand. Then it escalates to the next thing, like hugging you or touching you a little longer. The flirting and body language becomes more deliberate.

    When someone flirts just to flirt or feed their ego, this doesn't really happen. They keep it at the same level or find variations of flirting that don't escalate. They look for positive responses to continue flirting in the same way because your responses make them feel good but they don't get more deliberate or exploratory about it.

  4. If he spends more time around you than others. And if he tries to touch your arm or whatever when you're together. Does he go out of his way to spend time with you? Or just talk to you when you bump into one another.  

  5. guys wont be nice unless they want to get into your pants

  6. depends on hes body language  

  7. it depends on the guy. he might just be naturally flirty  

  8. idk friendly can mean flirty or flirty could mean friendly

  9. i know!!  it's hard to know if they're talking to you just to be nice or if they're flirting.  sometimes they feel like the same thing to me!

  10. If it's just talking it's probalb y innoscent. If he does something out of the ordinary something might be there

  11. we like to flirt as a way of meeting girls and getting acquainted,not necesarily to get in your pants so dont confuse them...

  12. get that stud!

  13. A guy's main objective is to spread his seed.  Therefore he was flirting in hopes of getting into your panties.

  14. Guys are always flirting so I'll go with flirting....if it means they might get s*x out of

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