
Is he g*y or something?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so today I was over at my boyfriends house and we were just fooling around, playing these stupid games we used to do when we were younger. Anyway, we were both in our bathing suits (I was in a bikini) and he kept putting his hands all over my b***s and stuff. I didn't mind because he has done it a lot before and I like it.

Anyway, he was stealing my gum so I thought he took it and reached into his bathing suit pocket and then he, like, moves away and puts my hand on his thigh and calls me a pervert, wtf? Is he g*y or just joking or what? Then he'll touch my b***s but won't touch my pants at all and he freaks out when I get near his d*ck. It's not like I even meant to touch him there! I just wanted my dang gum!!?

What's his problem?




  1. Maybe he's embarrassed about his size. If he's playing with your b***s in a sexual way then there's a good chance he isn't g*y. I have a lot of guy friends and they don't shy away from a girl touching them, they just don't get off on it and don't usually get it up. Some of them like playing with their female friends b***s but only in a joking way (yea my friends are total pervs, g*y and straight). You really should ask him why he seems upset by it, I wouldn't come right out and ask if he was g*y but just tell him you were a little upset by the sudden change in his mood and see if he has an excuse or explanation.

  2. He's not g*y, he just doesn't want to go that far with you yet.

  3. Maybe your dad sat down and talked to him and warned him about touching you below the belt line. Maybe he just isn't ready. Try talking to him and see what he says. I doubt he is g*y.

  4. Maybe he plans on waiting and doesn't want temptation

  5. Maybe he's just note ready for that just yet.

    Simply ask him.

    Good luck x

  6. How the h**l would that make him g*y? -.-

    He was joking... You should let him know if that makes you uncomfortable, though.

    Maybe his d**k is small? Or he just doesn't like pants for some reason?

  7. He's not g*y, he probably just doesn't want to go that far yet. I know you guys fool around, but touching those... other areas are more racy and suggestive. Or maybe he was hard and he didn't want you to know. Who knows? Ask him whats going on.

  8. Maybe he just doesn't want to get that intimate. Not every guy is just looking for s*x and not every guy wants you to touch them there.

    Some guys actually have values! :D

  9. Maybe hes just uncertain about the situation. I think the best thing you can do is talk to him. Because to me it seems a bit weird..... But just ask him.  

  10. mayb he was molested when he was a child and doesn't feel comfortable with anybody else touching him there but his own self. im sure he isn't g*y. because to prove he wasn't g*y he would prob. try to have s*x with you or touch your you know other you know what. and maybe he ws just kidding. the best thing to do [my opinion] would be to ask him if he was kiding. :] always communicate

  11. Maybe things were  just going a  little too fast for him and he's not ready yet. Why do so many  girls automatically assume a  guy must be g*y when things like this happen?

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