
Is he going through puberty or does time really do change everything?

by Guest60330  |  earlier

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Me and this boy used to be kinda close friends but since summer we never chatted and now with school starting we have one class together and it's like he's avoiding me, he hasn't even spoken to me. Yesterday it looked like he was looking back at me a lot, but nothing today but ignorance and avoidance. I would talk to him, but I don't want to look stupid or obsessive of whatever. Why do you think this happened? Has he changed or what?

Though it's just he used to seem to be so sweet and friendly. But now it's like he's just into his guy friends.




  1. time changes everythinggg. and just talk to him, dont talk to him about him avoiding you just talk to him about something ordinary

  2. Adolesence is a time when we look to find ourselves.  Unfortunately, sometimes that means severing old ties and moving down different paths which seems to be what your "freind" is doing.....

  3. Sounds like he's going through the guy change. He probably still wants to be friends with you, but doesn't feel comfortable doing so anymore. It's typical for guys to get to a point where they aren't really sure if they can be friends with girls. Ask him casually what's up. Don't put any pressure on him and let him go if that's what he chooses to do. He'll be back just give him a while. Otherwise, forget him.

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