
Is he interested in me??? Here are the details.....?

by  |  earlier

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i've known him 4 a long time, we've been friends since like the 5th grade.and now were back in high school 2gether, he always seems sort of nervous, or fidgety when he's around me, and he never really seems to kno wat 2 say.he talks but i cant tell that what he wants to say just isnt comming out, he wuz askin me when my classes were so he could walk with me, but idk..he's nice 2 everybody,but he just seems a little different...... what do u think?




  1. ask him  "are you in speial ed?"

    hahahha! just kidding! :D

    you said that he gets all nervous when he talks to you...

    i'm gessing that he likes you and is just shy to say smthing stupid. thats why he's nervous when your around.

    make him feel comfortable when you two are together.. dont laugh at him or look at him wierdly. he's just shy and nervous to make the wrong move. Smile and make him feel that your open and listening.

  2. I can't tell from what you wrote whether he is interested in you or not, maybe he is just real shy.  You might have to take the lead and start talking to him more and ask him if he'd like to hang out with you someplace or see a movie. Since you have known him so long, he would probably love you making the first move.

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