
Is he into me, I don't want to make a fool of myself???

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I am wondering if this guy I know is into me. I am 26 and he is 28 and our groups of friends hang around each other. I have known him since I have been 14 but we have never been close.

He is always looking at me when we are together and when I catch him he looks away quick or smiles sometimes.

I was at his house with Thursday with friends and when I went to leave he gave me a big, tight hug and told me I was welcome at his house anytime. And when I was there I kept catching him looking at me.

Since our friends all hang around each other I don't want to pursue it if he isn't really into me. I don't want to look like a fool.

Is he into me? Please help!




  1. Yes, he's just not sure of how to make the first move with you, ask him out to lunch or something, that way if you feel like its not something you want to pursue then its still a thing friends can do.  No pressure.

  2. Need more info. Right now it seems like he likes you, but not sure if its in "that" way...does he do anything else?

  3. Yes he is. That's just a description of a guy who's too shy to ask you out.

  4. I do that sometimes when I like a girl.So I say ya.He prolly just dont know how to ask ya.

  5. I would wait. Just play it cool and be his bestest buddy ever ^_^ After all, most of the time, guys ask girls out.  

  6. omg make a fool out of ur self who cares ...we all get rejected. is it a big deal if u think hes attractive. thats what were sapose to do, im sure he'll find it flattering

  7. Try to get you and him alone, b/c if it is you friends that are prevent you from approach, get rid of them.

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