
Is he just like those men that are pigs?

by  |  earlier

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I felt in love with this guy who also said he felt in love with me, but he had a girlfriend I knew he had a girlfriend but I loved him and couldn't helped it.

I have asked him for the last year if he will give me a chance of having a relationship with him, but he has said not yet and in the future possibly yes.

I have asked again yesterday, he couldn't answer, I asked him do you still love your girlfriend??

and he said yes.

so i said then how can you love 2 people at the same time, i couldn't do that. He said it happens to people. I wonder if he really loved his girlfriend why is he cheating on her??

please be nice, because I'm very sentimental right now and anything makes me cry.

Thank you.




  1. don't worry baby, you'll be alright.

    Sometimes guys get greedy. He went for two because he liked all the extra attention thats all it equates too.

    It may not feel like it right now, but I know you'll make it through.  

  2. ugh.

    he shouldt have fallen in love with you if he loves/is in love with his girlfriend.

    hes just a dumbass. (:

  3. you should just forget it ..

    telling u wat ur doing is wrong wont change anything or make u stop loving him anymore.. but maybe you should think about it he tells u he loves his gf but he is cheating on her- imagine if he broke up with her and was with you do you honestly think you could trust him? whats there to say he wont cheat on you ??

    i hope you work things out  

  4. yes it can happen its called a love triangle

  5. girl find your self some one that loves you sounds to me like hes just using you he cant really love his girl to much if hes going out cheating on her and if he did leave her for you he would probably cheat on you to  

  6. This is typical behavior for some men and women.  They want to be able to "have their cake and eat it too".  People of both sexes and all ages play this game.  You know he isn't honest if he is cheating on his girlfriend.  Do you want a relationship with someone dishonest?  Someone who cheats?  I think that you can love 2 people at the same time, but when forced with choosing between the 2 they usually stay with the familiar; in this case the one they were orginally with.

  7. Obvs he loves her more than he loves you because if he loved you more he would of dumped her by now and built a relationship with you, sorry to say that but i think thats the way it is..You should have a talk with him and say be honest do you think theres any chance soon that we can build a relationship and if he says dno or not yet, i think you should move on, x

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